Saturday , September 28 2024
Home / Video / I told you to buy the dip 2 days ago.

I told you to buy the dip 2 days ago.

What more can I tell you?

Mike Norman considers the following as important:

This could be interesting, too:

Lars Pålsson Syll writes What kind of ‘rigour’ do RCTs provide?

NewDealdemocrat writes Weekly jobless claims: good news and ‘meh’ news

Angry Bear writes Just Some Business Stats

Lars Pålsson Syll writes Nationalekonomiska Föreningens Årsmöte

What more can I tell you?
Mike Norman
Mike Norman is an economist and veteran trader whose career has spanned over 30 years on Wall Street. He is a former member and trader on the CME, NYMEX, COMEX and NYFE and he managed money for one of the largest hedge funds and ran a prop trading desk for Credit Suisse.


  1. Swing Trader Rockstar

    Thanks mike

  2. I buy through my paycheck so I listen to Mike to know to stay on course. I'm staying on path of maximizing work deductions to take most advantage. I cannot control what date my money goes in Mike, so I miss on a little of the buy days but its not too far off and still get good buys. Where I will make a change is if Mike says things are going wrong and need to take some of all out. I listen to other channels and they are all fear mongering end of the world buy gold and get a cabin in the woods. Mike balances out everything and I know to stay focused on my goals and definitely not cash out and go all gold or other overreaction.

  3. Mikey Pipes !!!

  4. Coffee! We really enjoy your videos, hope you continue!

  5. ToHellor Barbados

    Hi Mike! Thank fuck you're back…

  6. Home Youtube Channel

    ❤thank u

  7. I'm taking your Treasury course ,can't wait to start using it.

  8. I thought you quit

  9. I only see the video titles as I've been busy. But your current title is inaccurate. Two days ago you said it was the bottom and it wasn't. I assumed that's why you said you were going to quit yesterday. I enjoy your videos, but I find quite a bit of dishonesty about your calls, which I dont like so want to keep you honest

  10. Man. This is why we need you.
    Other channels just serving FUD, while you serving knowledge.

  11. Van Thang Nguyen

    Mike, I am a long time follower of your channel since 2018. I watched every video of you every morning. You don’t know how much you have changed my perspective not only about investing but also about discipline in positive way. I really respect and thank you, you literally liberated me from all fake gurus and videos on media, and from my own lack of understanding and knowledge. I am actually living in Hanoi, Vietnam the other side of the world, so I am very surprised when you said that you are planning to import robusta coffee from Vietnam. I really like the way you do it, do and learn philosophy. With all my respects and loves to you, I really want to be your partner in Vietnam to help your new adventure. I really suggest that you visit Vietnam, I can take you to many places so that you have a sense about the country and the people, and you taste the coffee in here to see how wonderful it is. We can have video call to discuss first about your plan, so please let me know when it’s OK for you.

  12. We have an audience of 30K. How do we sell coffee?

  13. Happy Belated Birthday

  14. in today's culture, a person is an economic unit who is capable of nothing higher than earning money, consuming material goods, and performing the basic animal functions of eating, sleeping and reproduction

    There is a higher, larger goal of spirituality and consciousness that can lead to self improvement, then self realization

    This is not just worthy goal because it leads to personal lasting peace and true happiness, but it's also beneficial to the human race

  15. Oh man, I hope you’ll keep making these videos. You’re a stellar teacher and master of MMT methodology. Plus entertaining and unique.

  16. Why aren't you running a hedge fund?

  17. Mike I ain’t looking for a freebie. I like your old mental toughness buddy. Know your changing lives buddy. Whether you keep going or not.

  18. You look great for 66!

  19. At some point, when you make youtube videos regularly, you become an addict and it's more therapeutic to make these videos.

  20. Thank you Mike! 🙏

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