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I love dogs

Some people might’ve taken my comments the wrong way yesterday. I love dogs.

Mike Norman considers the following as important:

This could be interesting, too:

Peter Radford writes Rizzo goes for the guild

Lars Pålsson Syll writes Don’t study economics if you’re interested in economics!

NewDealdemocrat writes Important mixed messages from jobless claims this week

Lars Pålsson Syll writes Regeringens budget — en spottloska i ansiktet på landets löntagare

Some people might’ve taken my comments the wrong way yesterday. I love dogs.
Mike Norman
Mike Norman is an economist and veteran trader whose career has spanned over 30 years on Wall Street. He is a former member and trader on the CME, NYMEX, COMEX and NYFE and he managed money for one of the largest hedge funds and ran a prop trading desk for Credit Suisse.


  1. We ❤you

  2. How right you are about ‘the orthodoxy’! If the orthodoxy says up, bet on down. Keep up the great work, Mike!

  3. What about September ?!?!

  4. Glad to have found you!

  5. I know you love dogs, Mike, you are a good sensitive, powerful strong man

  6. Mike don't listen to those comments everyone of us is wanted to shoot 1 of those little yappy dogs please we love them Oh by the way my name is sandy Oh please that's what we all say we don't mean it

  7. Woof!

  8. If you haven't joined MMT Trader by now, you're definitely missing out on a whole lot of wisdom and market understanding. Imho

  9. If the amount of people with pitbulls 10xed so would people and their kids getting mauled to death. Theyre agressive and not even loyal in some cases.

  10. Mike, your videos are profound. Thank you and I know you love dogs.

  11. American Exploring

    Hey Mike. You certainly need allergy medicine and vitamin C. This happens to all people who move from the east coast to the west coast. I think it is the trees.

  12. Cryptonite Clark

    OK, ignore my last comment – you've addressed it a bit in this video. But the data really isn't showing a peak yet.

  13. LeaveMyPony Alone

    Sad thing is that people don't care about reality. Either what they own is going to 100x or if they dont own it, it will go to 0.

  14. Small yappy dogs have to be taken out. Evolution demands it!

  15. Mike, there are many ways for you to keep in shape that don't involve getting up at 4 AM. What is this really about?

    • I've wondered that too. Since he's now on the West Coast, he could easily work out at 1 PM when the markets close. That's when I go to the gym.

  16. Keep it coming Mike. Thanks for sharing your wisdom.

  17. Van Thang Nguyen

    I am an investor from Vietnam, very far away, and I have followed Mike since 2018. You have changed me and made me understand the logic of this game. Thank you indeed. Millions of people should learn from you, understand you, but you are right, they don't want to learn tough, deep things.

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