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PBS NewsHour “Then” Edition with Kevin Hassett

Kevin Hassett (chairman of the White House Council of Economic Advisers) talking to PBS NewsHour: “Federal workers who are without pay as the government shutdown drags on actually have it pretty good. A huge share of government workers were gonna to take vacation days, say, between Christmas and New Year’s. And then we have a shutdown, and so they can’t go to work, and so then they have the vacation, but they don’t have to use their vacation days. And then they come back, and then they get their back pay. Then they’re, in some sense they’re better off.”

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Kevin Hassett (chairman of the White House Council of Economic Advisers) talking to PBS NewsHour:

“Federal workers who are without pay as the government shutdown drags on actually have it pretty good.

A huge share of government workers were gonna to take vacation days, say, between Christmas and New Year’s. And then we have a shutdown, and so they can’t go to work, and so then they have the vacation, but they don’t have to use their vacation days. And then they come back, and then they get their back pay. Then they’re, in some sense they’re better off.”

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