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Home / The Angry Bear / Book proposal: Marx’s Fetters and the Realm of Freedom: a remedial reading 

Book proposal: Marx’s Fetters and the Realm of Freedom: a remedial reading 

The second part of my book proposal is a chapter outline and summary. I will be doing that on the installment plan, one chapter at a time. Below is a table of contents: 2.0 Marx’s Fetters and the Realm of Freedom: a remedial reading – part 2.0 – Angry Bear 2.1 Ambivalence – Angry Bear 2.2 Der Gefesselte Marx – Angry Bear 2.3 Inversion – Angry Bear 2.4 Alienated labour and disposable time – Angry Bear 2.5 Pauperism and “minus-labour” – Angry Bear 2.6 From sufficiency to planned obsolescence … and back? – Angry Bear 2.7 The Revolutionary Class – Angry Bear 2.8 A nation is really rich if the working day is 6 hours rather than twelve – Angry Bear 2.9 The return of disposable time: time filled with the presence of the now –

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The second part of my book proposal is a chapter outline and summary. I will be doing that on the installment plan, one chapter at a time. Below is a table of contents:

2.0 Marx’s Fetters and the Realm of Freedom: a remedial reading – part 2.0 – Angry Bear

2.1 Ambivalence – Angry Bear

2.2 Der Gefesselte Marx – Angry Bear

2.3 Inversion – Angry Bear

2.4 Alienated labour and disposable time – Angry Bear

2.5 Pauperism and “minus-labour” – Angry Bear

2.6 From sufficiency to planned obsolescence … and back? – Angry Bear

2.7 The Revolutionary Class – Angry Bear

2.8 A nation is really rich if the working day is 6 hours rather than twelve – Angry Bear

2.9 The return of disposable time: time filled with the presence of the now – Angry Bear

EconoSpeak, Tom Walker

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