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Should Scientific American Endorse Presidential Candidates?

As a subscriber to The Atlantic in print, I can read a lot of it while sitting on the airplane for hours at a time reading interesting pieces to kill time. Then I will switch over to my book of choice. One of the issues with flying anywhere is the amount of time you are couped up with people you do not know. In a car as a passenger, there are breaks long the way. If you get the wrong seat in a plane, you are stuck. To the question of whether Scientific American should be in politics? Tom Nichols says no as the mag is a mainstay of science and not one of policy or politics. Scientific American wandered out of its realm of expertise. I believe Tom is probably right Scientific American Didn’t Need to Endorse Anybody Scientific American has

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As a subscriber to The Atlantic in print, I can read a lot of it while sitting on the airplane for hours at a time reading interesting pieces to kill time. Then I will switch over to my book of choice. One of the issues with flying anywhere is the amount of time you are couped up with people you do not know. In a car as a passenger, there are breaks long the way. If you get the wrong seat in a plane, you are stuck.

To the question of whether Scientific American should be in politics? Tom Nichols says no as the mag is a mainstay of science and not one of policy or politics. Scientific American wandered out of its realm of expertise. I believe Tom is probably right

Scientific American Didn’t Need to Endorse Anybody

The endorsement message caused large reductions in stated trust in Nature among Trump supporters. This distrust lowered the demand for COVID-related information provided by Nature, as evidenced by substantially reduced requests for Nature articles on vaccine efficacy when offered. The endorsement also reduced Trump supporters’ trust in scientists in general. The estimated effects on Biden supporters’ trust in Nature and scientists were positive, small and mostly statistically insignificant.

In other words, readers who supported Biden shrugged; Trump supporters decided that Nature was taking sides and was therefore an unreliable source of scientific information.

Economically, the renewable-energy projects she supports will create new jobs in rural America. Her platform also increases tax deductions for new small businesses from $5,000 to $50,000, making it easier for them to turn a profit. Trump, a convicted felon who was also found liable of sexual abuse in a civil trial, offers a return to his dark fantasies and demagoguery …

An endorsement based on Harris’s tax proposals—which again, are policy choices—belongs in a newspaper or financial journal. It’s not a matter of science, any more than her views on abortions or guns or anything else are.

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