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Reprising Arizona, November’s Prop 138, and Driving

Living in Arizona has been a different experience than what we experienced in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Illinois. Avoiding Winter is pleasant, but the heat of the summer keeps you inside. I believe it was a record year for the number of days above a certain temperature. Winter is shorter in comparison. Would I do the move knowing what I know now. The temperature is a factor we did not take much into consideration. A record year for temperatures being over 100 was not a thought. This morning it is 50 degrees out. Quite a few propositions to decide upon in this election. A couple I dislike. Prop 138 allows establishment owners to reduce the minimum wage for wait staff, etc, by 25%. The thought here is they make more in tips. And the restaurant owner

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Living in Arizona has been a different experience than what we experienced in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Illinois. Avoiding Winter is pleasant, but the heat of the summer keeps you inside. I believe it was a record year for the number of days above a certain temperature. Winter is shorter in comparison. Would I do the move knowing what I know now. The temperature is a factor we did not take much into consideration. A record year for temperatures being over 100 was not a thought. This morning it is 50 degrees out.

Quite a few propositions to decide upon in this election. A couple I dislike. Prop 138 allows establishment owners to reduce the minimum wage for wait staff, etc, by 25%. The thought here is they make more in tips. And the restaurant owner will be able to take their tips into consideration for the hourly rate.

If it is passed there is a good chance it will end up in the state constitution.

We tip in cash and at least 20%. We get good service as we return to the same restaurants and get the same wait staff.

Fourteen dollars per hour before income taxes is not a whole lota money to survive upon. For some reason, politicians seem to think it is enough in which to survive. There is much prestige to be a part of government. Maybe it is time to measure such against their income?

This is one of several propositions which do not make much sense and should be questioned.

I grew up in Chicago, lived in Wisconsin, and Michigan. Driving around those states required caution. Mostly, we kept our distance and practice caution. Driven the autobahn, and have driven in Germany, France, Czech Republic, etc. Speed was done cautiously.

I would say Arizonians are some of the worst drivers I have experienced. On a crowded highway, they will tailgate or what I could call draft you as if on a raceway. Weave in traffic. And are overly dangerous. I have seen some terrible accidents on highways which should not happen and are due to their habits. We do five miles over and let them go around us. I like them in front of me, where I can keep an eye on them while doing 70 on a 65 mph highway called 347. 347 is a two-lane highway each way with lights on it. It is in much need of cloverleaf ramping, repaving away from the coarse gravel road which now exists, and more policing to eliminating the speedsters and hazardous drivers. Highway 347 averages an accident involving death every other day.

Reprising our move to Arizona. Otherwise, our home is good and we have good neighbors who watch over two oldsters.

Homepage | Will of the People Arizona

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