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The Angry Bear

So what now, America?

by David Zetland (originally published at Aguanomics) So what now, America? I was going to call this post “I told you so, America,” but I want to change people’s perspectives and motivate action more than be right. First of all, let’s all agree that the flood damages to Houston were worse due to poor planning that paved wetlands and allowed the city to sprawl into flood plains. Second, subsidized flood insurance (or the lack of a requirement for...

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Tax Cuts for the 1% Coming Out of Your 401K

If you have been in a 401K like I have over the decades, you know this has been helpful in reducing tax on your income. If you do not know this, you do now. The GOP is making eyes on your 401k contributions with the intent of removing the upfront deduction which lowers your taxable income. The GOP would like to go to a Roth type of 401k. Either way, I would be ok. The problem I have with this idea is it is being presented as a way to help holders of a...

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Trickle-down, with the emphasis on “trickle”

Trickle-down, with the emphasis on “trickle” Since the turn of the Millennium, a torrent of corporate tax cuts has resulted in a trickle of investment growth. This morning Dean Baker objects to: the argument … that reducing corporate taxes will lead to more investment and thereby greater wage growth in the future. The data from the last seventy years show there is no relationship between aggregate profits and investment. As can be seen, there is no...

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Self-selection and Multigenerational Mobility of American Immigrants

Last year I wrote a post noting that the income of group of immigrants in the US is correlated with the income of the country from where those immigrants hailed. I noted that this correlation is especially strong for immigrants in the US for the longest. I just stumbled on this paper from earlier this year by Joakim Ruist. Here’s the abstract: This paper aims to explain the high intergenerational persistence of inequality between groups of different...

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Crime and Punishment

I stumbled on a blog post by Jerry Ratcliffe, who is a Professor of Criminal Justice and Director of the Center for Security and Crime Science at Temple University, Philadelphia, and a former police officer with London’s Metropolitan Police (UK). From one of this posts: Graph no. 2 is another image from my Intelligence-Led Policing book. The crime funnel represents what happens to a random selection of 1,000 crimes that affect the public (top bar). It...

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2007 and Flood Insurance….blast from the past

Reader Dan sends along this one: (this was my newbie persona ten years ago ——————- My insurance in MA was cancelled on property due to ‘limiting risk exposure’ by my insurance company. While near the coast, my investment property is not on a flood plain and well protected as well as being higher by far (40 ft.) than downtown. I wound up having to buy from a MA backed plan at 1.5 multiplier for...

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Flood damage in Houston costs whom?

Via New York Times comes this information on flood insurance, which I believe is the predominate cause of storm damage in the Houston area and beyond: Private homeowners’ policies generally cover wind damage and, in certain cases, water damage from storm surges. But for almost half a century, all other homeowners’ flood coverage has been underwritten by the National Flood Insurance Program, a federal program that itself faces financial uncertainty....

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Is David Ignatius Falling For Saudi Propaganda?

Is David Ignatius Falling For Saudi Propaganda? Washington Post columnist and occasional novelist and diplomat, David Ignatius, is one of the best informed and wisest of commentators on Middle East affairs.  Thus it is with concern that in yesterday’s Washington Post in a column titled, “A new chance for Middle East peace?” he seems to have fallen for third rate propaganda largely being pushed by the Saudi government, although also backed by the UAE...

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