The hardy perennial “Democrat’s circular firing squad is in disarray” story line is looking a bit withered. During the whole dramatic absurd Trumpcare drama (so far Trumpcare is a zombie which can’t be killed) ALL 48 Democratic senators remained united. In 2016 the new Clinton adopted a neo-neo-liberal platform which was actually liberal. However, some people refuse to let it go. I am one of those people. I want to whine about this informative and...
Read More »Meanwhile, In Australia
Meanwhile, in Australia: A LOCAL council has banned the construction of a synagogue in Bondi because it could be a terrorist target, in a shock move that religious leaders say has caved in to Islamic extremism and created a dangerous precedent. The decision, which has rocked the longstanding Jewish community in the iconic suburb, was upheld in court this week as the nation reeled from the alleged airline terror threat and debate raged over increased...
Read More »Rasmussen poll shows GOP losing midterms in a wave
Rasmussen poll shows GOP losing midterms in a wave I like K.I.S.S. methods, and I have decided that the easiest K.I.S.S. guide to the midterm elections is likely to be Rasmussen’s “net strong disapproval” spread. The theory is that while voters who even weakly approve or disapprove of a President are likely to come out and vote in the Presidential election years, only those with strong opinion — a substantially smaller number — come out to vote in...
Read More »Open thread Aug. 2, 2017
Updating wordpress and plugins
MEV serviced the server for Angry Bear and updated WordPress and plugins. It seems the comments for NDd and the open thread closed. I will re-post NDd’s post and simply add an open thread for today.
Read More »Apartment vacancy rate improves, but “rental affordability crisis” at worst level ever
Apartment vacancy rate improves, but “rental affordability crisis” at worst level ever Over three years ago HUD warned of “the worst rental affordability crisis ever,” citing statistics that About half of renters spend more than 30 percent of their income on rent, up from 18 percent a decade ago, according to newly released research by Harvard’s Joint Center for Housing Studies. Twenty-seven percent of renters are paying more than half of their income on...
Read More »What is Socialism (contagion from Twitter)
So @atrios tweeted asking for a definition of socialism in 140 characters or less. Being a fool, I tweeted “Means of production controlled by people elected with one person one vote” Many people objected that all states which say they are socialist are also not democratic. I need more than 140 characters to explain my definition & impose on your patience. First a definition must be true of all examples of the set defined & not true of any...
Read More »“We Need You to Cooperate . . .”
[embedded content] Go to 1:30 minutes into this clip and please watch the whole event. Jail and/or prison is not a fun experience and it was never meant to be. People are taken there for court determined reasons. I have heard my share of stories from reliable sources of what goes on there and how some who are charged with guarding the population take it to the next level. There is much talk about prison reform and I applaud the thought of it. However, the...
Read More »“We Need You to Cooperate . . .”
[embedded content] Go to 1:30 minutes into this clip and please watch the whole event. Jail and/or prison is not a fun experience and it was never meant to be. People are taken there for court determined reasons. I have heard my share of stories from reliable sources of what goes on there and how some who are charged with guarding the population take it to the next level. There is much talk about prison reform and I applaud the thought of it. However,...
Read More »Understating Trump’s “Achievements”
Understating Trump’s “Achievements” I regularly hear and see on media and the internet that Trump “has accomplished nothing in six months” or variations on that, with some of these remarks focusing more on his legislative agenda, with discussions about whether it is “dead” or not here after only six months, which is either a very long time or a very short time. I think this rhetoric is both unwise and inaccurate. It is unwise because it suggests that we...
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