Att hålla traditionen vid liv (personal) Stolt fader noterar att äldste sonen följer i mamma Kristinas och morfar Eriks fotspår inom juridiken och arbetar sedan ett par veckor på advokatbyrån Moll Wendén. Lycka till David!
Read More »Was Hyman Minsky a communist?
Was Hyman Minsky a communist? Was Minsky a communist? Definitely not. Was Minsky a socialist? Definitely yes. His daughter Diana remembers that, “in eighth grade, the Social Studies teacher, Mr. Snodgrass, was engaging the students in conversation about political parties and dialogue in the United States, so we were all asked to bring home a list of questions. One was our family’s political allegiance, not answering was an option—plus Democratic or...
Read More »Det svenska friskolesvindleriet
De börsnoterade friskolorna fortsatte att växa snabbt under förra året. Sammanlagt gjorde de noterade friskoleföretagen en vinst på 639 miljoner kronor under 2019. 2019 var ett starkt år för de börsnoterade friskolorna, åtminstone när det gäller tillväxt. Efter att både Internationella Engelska Skolan och Academedia nu lämnat sina kvartalsrapporter visar det sig att företagen under 2019 ökade sin omsättning med 10 respektive 6 procent. Omkring 110 000 svenska elever går nu i...
Read More »Why every econ paper should come with a warning label!
Why every econ paper should come with a warning label! It should be part of the academic competences of trained economists to be able to be clear about what their models are for; what the models are about; what the models are capable of doing, and what not; how reliable the models are; what sorts of criticisms have been levelled against the models and how the criticisms have been responded; what alternative models there are; etc. The challenge is not easy,...
Read More »The history of econometrics
The history of econometrics There have been over four decades of econometric research on business cycles … But the significance of the formalization becomes more difficult to identify when it is assessed from the applied perspective … The wide conviction of the superiority of the methods of the science has converted the econometric community largely to a group of fundamentalist guards of mathematical rigour … So much so that the relevance of the research to...
Read More »Avant toi
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Read More »Exile
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Read More »Margaret Thatcher
Margaret Thatcher väckte med sin nyliberala politik upprörda känslor. I UR Bildningsbyrån diskuterar yours truly och Gunnela Björk järnladyn och hennes intellektuella och politiska arv. Här kan du lyssna på programmet i sin helhet. I Sverige har vi idag en centerpartistisk partiledare med en meritlista som säkert skulle imponerat på Thatcher. Ett axplock av vad fru Lööf argumenterat och motionerat för under åren: Inför plattskatt (lägre skatt för höginkomsttagare) Avskaffa...
Read More »CDU-Hoffnung Friedrich Merz …
CDU-Hoffnung Friedrich Merz … Vor 14 Jahren soll Friedrich Merz seinen Laptop am Berliner Ostbahnhof verloren haben. Doch der damalige Unions-Fraktionsvize hatte Glück, ein Obdachloser fand das Gerät und gab es zurück. Nun erinnert er sich … In der „Taz“ erzählt der heute 53-Jährige nun, was er und sein Kumpel Micha sahen, als sie den Laptop einschalteten … Er hoffte auf einen angemessenen Finderlohn. Friedrich Merz hatte eine andere Idee. Enrico J....
Read More »Econometrics — the scientific illusion of an empirical failure
Econometrics — the scientific illusion of an empirical failure Ed Leamer’s Tantalus on the Road to Asymptopia is one of yours truly’s favourite critiques of econometrics, and for the benefit of those who are not versed in the econometric jargon, this handy summary gives the gist of it in plain English: Most work in econometrics and regression analysis is made on the assumption that the researcher has a theoretical model that is ‘true.’ Based on this belief...
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