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Lars Pålsson Syll
Professor at Malmö University. Primary research interest - the philosophy, history and methodology of economics.

Lars P. Syll

Social ekonomi — den tredje vägen

Social ekonomi — den tredje vägen Verksamheter inom den sociala ekonomin har allmännytta och/eller medlemsnytta, inte vinstintresse som drivkraft.  Förskolor, fritidshem, fritidsgårdar, hemtjänst, äldreboenden, biblioteksfilialer, anläggningar inom kultur- och fritidsområdet är exempel på verksamheter som kan drivas av stiftelser, ideella föreningar eller ekonomiska föreningar … Kunskapen om den sociala ekonomin och dess betydelse för samhällets utveckling...

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Why most published research is wrong

Why most published research is wrong [embedded content] After having mastered all the technicalities of regression analysis and econometrics, students often feel as though they are the masters of the universe. I usually cool them down with a required reading of Christopher Achen‘s modern classic Interpreting and Using Regression. It usually get them back on track again, and they understand that no increase in methodological sophistication … alter the...

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Demystifying economics

The first thing to understand about macroeconomic theory is that it is weirder than you think. The heart of it is the idea that the economy can be thought of as a single infinite-lived individual trading off leisure and consumption over all future time … This approach is formalized in something called the Euler equation … Some version of this equation is the basis of most articles on macroeconomic theory published in a mainstream journal in the past 30 years … The models may...

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Far fuori il mito del NAIRU

Far fuori il mito del NAIRU Anche se è diventata una credenza diffusa, la presunta relazione tra la disoccupazione e l’aumento o la riduzione dei tassi d’inflazione si stava sgretolando, in particolar modo negli anni ’90 del Novecento. Nel 2000 la disoccupazione era scesa al di sotto del 4% senza che l’inflazione decollasse. Dall’inizio della Grande Recessione, il divario tra la teoria e la realtà non ha fatto altro che ampliarsi… Una volta che ci si rende...

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DSGE — a scientific illusion

DSGE — a scientific illusion Dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE) models remain the work-horse models employed by many academics and research departments at central banks … Prior to the Global Financial Crisis the financial sector played no role in these DSGE models. That limitation is now widely acknowledged and numerous aspects of the financial sector have been incorporated into second and later generation DSGE models … Unfortunately, these...

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Den identitetspolitiska besattheten

Så som det framgår i slutet av romanen så handlar “Brevet från Gertrud” inte enbart om judisk identitet, utan också om den besatthet av identitet som kännetecknar nutiden. Hermele har rätt i att både Martin och jag själv drömmer om en värld där var och en i första hand möts som människor i stället för att ohörda dömas på grund av sin grupptillhörighet, oberoende av om det är fråga om etnicitet, religion, kön, sexuell läggning eller påstådd ras. Efter sin bok om Eichmann...

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CDU-politiker Friedrich Merz — ein total unverschämter Drecksack

CDU-politiker Friedrich Merz — ein total unverschämter Drecksack Vor 14 Jahren soll Friedrich Merz seinen Laptop am Berliner Ostbahnhof verloren haben. Doch der damalige Unions-Fraktionsvize hatte Glück, ein Obdachloser fand das Gerät und gab es zurück. Nun erinnert er sich … In der „Taz“ erzählt der heute 53-Jährige nun, was er und sein Kumpel Micha sahen, als sie den Laptop einschalteten … Er hoffte auf einen angemessenen Finderlohn. Friedrich Merz hatte...

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Even a genius has to work hard

Even a genius has to work hard Several years later I developed a broader theory of what separates the two general classes of learners—helpless versus mastery-oriented. I realized that these different types of students not only explain their failures differently, but they also hold different “theories” of intelligence. The helpless ones believe that intelligence is a fixed trait: you have only a certain amount, and that’s that. I call this a “fixed...

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