Wren-Lewis — the flimflam anti-pluralist Again and again, Oxford professor Simon Wren-Lewis rides out to defend orthodox macroeconomic theory against attacks from heterodox critics. In one of his latest attacks on heterodox economics and students demanding pluralist economics education he writes: The danger in encouraging plurality is that you make it much easier for politicians to select the advice they like, because there is almost certain to be a school...
Read More »Berkson’s fallacy (wonkish)
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Read More »Simon Wren-Lewis’ warped view of modern macroeconomics
Simon Wren-Lewis’ warped view of modern macroeconomics There is something that just does not sit very well with Oxford macroeconomist Simon Wren-Lewis’ view of modern macroeconomics. On more than one occasion has this self-proclaimed ‘New Keynesian’ macroeconomist approvingly written about the ‘impressive’ theoretical insights New Classical economics has brought to macroeconomics. In one of his latest blog posts he once again shows how devoted he is to...
Read More »Deutschlands Schulen brauchen eine grundlegende Reform
Deutschlands Schulen brauchen eine grundlegende Reform [embedded content] Advertisements
Read More »Michael Hudson — life and thought of an MMT’er
Michael Hudson — life and thought of an MMT’er [embedded content] Absolutely fabulous. A must-watch. Advertisements
Read More »Is democracy only for the rich?
Is democracy only for the rich? [embedded content] Advertisements
Read More »Wren-Lewis insults medical science
Wren-Lewis insults medical science In a discussion today on twitter one discussant was questioning if economics really could be considered a science, adding that in physics — contrary to economics — “there are no different school of thoughts on ‘Newton’s Laws of Motion’. To this Simon Wren-Lewis answered: Exactly the same is true of mainstream economics. There are also groups who cannot live with the mainstream who form schools of thought, like MMT. But...
Read More »Econometrics and causality
Judea Pearl’s and Bryant Chen’s Regression and causation: a critical examination of six econometrics textbooks — published in Real-World Economics Review no. 65 — addresses two very important questions in the teaching of modern econometrics and its different textbooks — how is causality treated in general, and more specifically, to what extent they use a distinct causal notation. The authors have for years been part of an extended effort of advancing explicit causal modelling...
Read More »Brott och etnicitet
Män födda i utlandet är kraftigt överrepresenterade bland de som dömts för att ha begått våldtäkt i Sverige. Detta är fakta — och just därför kan man ju undra varför ledande svenska politiker och brottsforskare inte tyckt att det har varit viktigt eller speciellt intressant att statistiskt belägga våldtäktsmännens etnicitet. Skälet som åberopats av politiker (som t ex Morgan Johansson) och forskare (som t ex Jerzy Sarnecki) är att de TROR att de huvudsakliga orsaksfaktorerna...
Read More »Das leere Versprechen vom Aufstieg durch Bildung
Das leere Versprechen vom Aufstieg durch Bildung Die Bilanz fällt ernüchternd aus. Kinder, die aus schwierigen sozialen Verhältnissen oder aus Familien mit Migrationshintergrund stammen, haben immer noch deutlich schlechtere Chancen im deutschen Bildungssystem als andere. Das ist das Ergebnis einer Analyse des Bildungsforschers Klaus Klemm im Auftrag des Deutschen Gewerkschaftsbundes (DGB). Sein Fazit: “Deutschlands Kindertagesstätten und Schulen bauen die...
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