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Lars Pålsson Syll
Professor at Malmö University. Primary research interest - the philosophy, history and methodology of economics.

Lars P. Syll

The Gray Ghost

 [embedded content] For Tora and David, with whom, when they were just little kids, I spent hours and hours watching this​ series back at​ the beginning of the 90’s. They were my heroes then. They still are. Advertisements

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Abba Lerner and the nonsense called ‘Ricardian equivalence’

According to Abba Lerner, the purpose of public debt is “to achieve a rate of interest which results in the most desirable level of investment.” He also maintained that an application of Functional Finance will have a tendency to balance the budget in the long run: There is no reason for assuming that, as a result of the continued application of Functional Finance to maintain full employment, the government must always be borrowing more money and increasing the national debt...

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Why data is not enough to answer scientific questions

Why data is not enough to answer scientific questions Ironically, the need for a theory of causation began to surface at the same time that statistics came into being. In fact modern statistics hatched out of the causal questions that Galton and Pearson asked about heredity and out of their ingenious attempts to answer them from cross-generation data. Unfortunately, they failed in this endeavor and, rather than pause to ask “Why?”, they declared those...

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Italia: troppo grande per fallire, troppo grande per scamparla

Italia: troppo grande per fallire, troppo grande per scamparla L’euro ha tolto la possibilità ai Governi nazionali di gestire in modo significativo le loro economie e in Italia, proprio come in Grecia un paio di anni fa, le persone hanno dovuto pagare i veri costi delle erronee e concomitanti politiche di austerità. Durante l’ultimo decennio, il dispiegarsi delle ripetute crisi economiche in Eurolandia ha mostrato al di là di ogni dubbio che l’euro non è...

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IMF blames Germany for increased crash risk

IMF blames Germany for increased crash risk Der Chefvolkswirt des Internationalen Währungsfonds (IWF), Maurice Obstfeld, weist Deutschland eine Mitverantwortung zu für die Spannungen in der internationalen Handelspolitik. Zudem trage Deutschland dazu bei, dass das Risiko einer neuerlichen Finanzkrise steige. „Alle Länder, auch Deutschland, stehen in der Verantwortung, die globale Finanzstabilität zu schützen“, schreibt Obstfeld in einem Gastbeitrag für...

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