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Lars Pålsson Syll
Professor at Malmö University. Primary research interest - the philosophy, history and methodology of economics.

Lars P. Syll

Debt deflation and liquidity traps

Debt deflation and liquidity traps Deflationary policies are deflationary. To a large extent deflations have been caused by tight monetary and fiscal policies pursued by central banks. With a defensive fiscal policy and a targeted inflation rate set at a very low level, real inflation easily turn negative. Another consequence of austere fiscal and monetary policies is that overall unemployment get stuck at a high level. This is deeply worrying, especially...

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Why we can’t avoid another financial crisis

Why we can’t avoid another financial crisis If there’s anything the last decade has shown us, it is that mainstream economists have gone astray in their tool shed. Mainstream neoclassical economics has contributed to causing today’s economic crisis rather than to solving it. So we are in dire need of rethinking economics. An important building block in working out a new — more realist and relevant — economic theory, is Hyman Minsky’s thoughts on the...

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Don’t trust summary statistics alone

Don’t trust summary statistics alone When teaching statistics and econometrics yours truly always stress the importance of data visualization. The thirteen datasets shown above is a great illustration of why one should always plot data. They all have the same summary statistics — mean, standard deviation, correlation coefficient — but some are dinosaurs and others are stars … Conclusion: never trust summary statistics alone! Advertisements...

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