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Lars Pålsson Syll
Professor at Malmö University. Primary research interest - the philosophy, history and methodology of economics.

Lars P. Syll

Ljus i mörkret

I dessa tider — när ljudrummet dränks i den kommersiella radions tyckmyckentrutade ordbajseri och fullständigt intetsägande pubertalflamsande tjafs — har man nästan gett upp. Men det finns ljus i mörkret! I radions P2 går varje lördagmorgon ett vederkvickelsens och den seriösa musikens Lördagsmorgon i P2. Och nu är även söndagarna räddade! I programmet Text och musik med Eric Schüldt — som sänds på söndagsförmiddagarna i P2 mellan klockan 11 och 12 — kan man lyssna på seriös...

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But not as wrong as Paul Krugman …

But not as wrong as Paul Krugman … In his review of Mervyn King’s The End of Alchemy: Money, Banking, and the Future of the Global Economy Krugman writes: Is this argument right, analytically? I’d like to see King lay out a specific model for his claims, because I suspect that this is exactly the kind of situation in which words alone can create an illusion of logical coherence that dissipates when you try to do the math. Also, it’s unclear what this has to...

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Per T Ohlsson pratar i nattmössan om välfärdssektorns vinster

En av landets mest välbetalda journalister — Per T Ohlsson — har i sin återkommande söndagskrönika i Sydvenskan i dag en mer än vanligt dåligt underbyggd artikel. Denna gången handlar det om Ilmar Reepalus utredning om vinster i den skattefinansierade välfärdssektorn. Följande lilla stycke är belysande: Den enda rationella lösningen på detta frågekomplex – att värna och utveckla gemensam och likvärdig välfärd med bevarad valfrihet – är en kraftig skärpning av systemen för...

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The Bourbaki-Debreu delusion of axiomatic economics

The Bourbaki-Debreu delusion of axiomatic economics By the time that we have arrived at the peak first climbed by Arrow and Debreu, the central question boils down to something rather simple. We can phrase the question in the context of an exchange economy, but producers can be, and are, incorporated in the model. There is a rather arid economic environment referred to as a purely competitive market in which individuals receive signals as to the prices of...

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Reepalus utredning om vinster i välfärden

Reepalus utredning om vinster i välfärden I november presenteras utredningen om vinster i välfärden som Ilmar Reepalu (S) är ordförande för. Men redan nu har nyhetsmedier tagit del av förslag från utredningen om hur en vinstbegräsning skulle kunna se ut. SVT rapporterade i förra veckan att Joachim Landström, doktor i företagsekonomi vid Uppsala universitet, har tagit fram ett förslag till utredningen. Lite förenklat innebär den en begränsning på vinster på...

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Hicks’ misrepresentation of Keynes — the Wicksellian connection

Hicks’ misrepresentation of Keynes — the Wicksellian connection Having read my post on Krugman and Hicks’ IS-LM misrepresentation of Keynes’ theory, professor Jan Kregel kindly sent an unpublished article he wrote back in 1984 — The Importance of Choosing a Model: Hicks vs. Keynes on Money, Interest and Prices — in which it is argued that Hicks’ particular presentation of Keynes’ theory and choice of model was “crucial to its destruction”: Hicks’ choice of...

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Teflon-coated economics

At least since the time of Keynes’s famous critique of Tinbergen’s econometric methods, those of us in the social science community who have been unpolite enough to dare questioning the preferred methods and models applied in quantitive research in general and economics more specifically, are as a rule met with disapproval. Although people seem to get very agitated and upset by the critique — just read the commentaries on this blog if you don’t believe me — defenders of...

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The euro disaster — Wynne Godley was spot on already back in 1992!

The euro disaster — Wynne Godley was spot on already back in 1992! If there were an economic and monetary union, in which the power to act independently had actually been abolished, ‘co-ordinated’ reflation of the kind which is so urgently needed now could only be undertaken by a federal European government. Without such an institution, EMU would prevent effective action by individual countries and put nothing in its place. Another important role which any...

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No man is an island!

No man is an island! Given how sweeping the changes wrought by SMD (Sonnenschein-Mantel-Debreu) theory seem to be, it is understandable that some very broad statements about the character of general equilibrium theory were made. Fifteen years after General Competitive Analysis, Arrow (1986) stated that the hypothesis of rationality had few implications at the aggregate level. Kirman (1989) held that general equilibrium theory could not generate falsifiable...

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Sacrificing content for the sake of mathematical tractability

Sacrificing content for the sake of mathematical tractability A commodity is a primitive concept (Debreu 1991), and the model comprises a finite set of classes of commodities. The number of distinguishable commodities (Debreu 1959) or commodity labels (Koopmans and Bausch 1959) is a natural number. The Arrow—Debreu model continues by defining these commodities as goods that are physically determined … But after asserting that commodities are physically...

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