Ha Ha Said The Clown [embedded content]
Read More »Brel
[embedded content] Une grande chanson d’espoir. Quand on a que l’amour A offrir а ceux-lа Dont l’unique combat Est de chercher le jour Alors sans avoir rien Que la force d’aimer Nous aurons dans nos mains Amis, le monde entier
Read More »And did those feet in ancient time
And did those feet in ancient time [embedded content]
Read More »Noam Chomsky on postmodern flimflam
Noam Chomsky on postmodern flimflam [embedded content] (h/t Jan Milch)
Read More »Postmodern discourse mumbo jumbo
Postmodern discourse mumbo jumbo The move from a structuralist account in which capital is understood to structure social relations in relatively homologous ways to a view of hegemony in which power relations are subject to repetition, convergence, and rearticulation brought the question of temporality into the thinking of structure, and marked a shift from a form of Althusserian theory that takes structural totalities as theoretical objects to one in which the insights into the contingent...
Read More »Falsk matematik
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Read More »Ultimatum games — take your epsilon and shove it!
Ultimatum games — take your epsilon and shove it! Given that a normative theory is defined as a theory prescribing how a rational agent should act, neoclassical economic theory certainly has to be considered a normative theory. The problem is — besides that it standardly assumes not only rationality and selfishness, but also e. g. common knowledge of people’s utility functions — that loads of research show that people almost never act in accordance with the theory: There is a tendency...
Read More »When I’m 104 (private)
When I’m 104 (private) [h/t Jeanette Meyer]
Read More »Macroeconomic uncertainty
The financial crisis of 2007-08 hit most laymen and economists with surprise. What was it that went wrong with our macroeconomic models, since they obviously did not foresee the collapse or even make it conceivable? There are many who have ventured to answer this question. And they have come up with a variety of answers, ranging from the exaggerated mathematization of economics, to irrational and corrupt politicians. But the root of our problem goes much deeper. It ultimately goes back to...
Read More »Ein Volk schreibt Geschichte
Ein Volk schreibt Geschichte [embedded content] Time for a new sojourn in my second hometown — Berlin.
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