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Home / Lars P. Syll (page 71)
Lars Pålsson Syll
Professor at Malmö University. Primary research interest - the philosophy, history and methodology of economics.

Lars P. Syll

Economic forecasting — why it matters and why it is so often wrong

Economic forecasting — why it matters and why it is so often wrong As Oskar Morgenstern noted in his 1928 classic Wirtschaftsprognose: Eine Untersuchung ihrer Voraussetzungen und Möglichkeiten, economic predictions and forecasts amount to little more than intelligent guessing. Making forecasts and predictions obviously isn’t a trivial or costless activity, so why then go on with it? The problems that economists encounter when trying to predict the future...

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Dune Mosse

.[embedded content] Un viaggio in fondo ai tuoi occhi “dai d’illusi smammai” / Un viaggio in fondo ai tuoi occhi solcherò / Dune Mosse … Dentro una lacrima / E verso il sole / Voglio gridare amore  / Uuh, non ne posso più  / Vieni t’imploderò / A rallentatore, e … / E nell’immenso morirò! … Un’opera d’arte. Meravigliosa!

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Hovern’ engan

Wars, conflicts, and other crises have left more than 30 million children displaced from their homes in the world today. More than 10 million children are refugees or asylum-seeking. [embedded content] “Whatsoever You Do to the Least of My Brothers You Do unto Me”

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I dessa tider — när ljudrummet dränks i den kommersiella radions pubertalflams — har man nästan gett upp. Men det finns ljus i mörkret. I programmet Text och musik med Eric Schüldt — som sänds på söndagsförmiddagarna i P2 mellan klockan 11 och 12 — kan man lyssna på seriös musik och en programledare som verkligen har något att säga och inte bara låter foderluckan glappa. Att få höra någon med intelligens och känsla tala om saker som vi alla går och bär på djupt inne i våra...

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Back in 1980 yours truly had the pleasure of studying at University of Vienna. When not studying or visiting Berggase 19, I often listened to this on my Sony Walkman: [embedded content]

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Bright eyes (personal)

.[embedded content] People say time heals all wounds. I wish that was true. But some wounds never heal. Even after thirty years you just have to learn to live with the scars. In memory of Kristina Syll — beloved wife and mother of my son David and daughter Tora. But in dreams, I can hear your name. And in dreams, We will meet again. When the seas and mountains fall And we come to end of days, In the dark I hear a call Calling me there I will go there And back again.

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Hyman Minsky and the IS-LM obfuscation

Hyman Minsky and the IS-LM obfuscation As a young research stipendiate in the U.S. yours truly had the pleasure and privilege of having Hyman Minsky as a teacher. He was a great inspiration at the time. He still is. The concepts which it is usual to ignore or deemphasize in interpreting Keynes — the cyclical perspective, the relations between investment and finance, and uncertainty, are the keys to an understanding of the full significance of his...

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On gender and alcohol

On gender and alcohol Breaking news! Using advanced multiple nonlinear regression models similar to those in recent news stories on alcohol and dairy and more than 3.6M observations from 1997 through 2012, I have found that drinking more causes people to turn into men! Across people drinking 0-7 drinks per day, each drink per day causes the drinker’s probability of being a man to increase by 10.02 percentage points (z=302.2, p<0.0001). Need I say,...

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