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Home / Lars P. Syll (page 86)
Lars Pålsson Syll
Professor at Malmö University. Primary research interest - the philosophy, history and methodology of economics.

Lars P. Syll

Propensity score analysis — some critical remarks

Propensity score analysis — some critical remarks Our findings suggest that researchers need comprehensive knowledge of model assumptions and knowledge of plausible causal structure. From prior research, sources of selection bias must be understood. Substantive knowledge of plausible causal structure typically includes the theory of change of an intervention program being evaluated, which determines the covariates that should be used in the model predicting...

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Ayn Rand — a perverted psychopath

Ayn Rand — a perverted psychopath .[embedded content] Now, I don’t care to discuss the alleged complaints American Indians have against this country. I believe, with good reason, the most unsympathetic Hollywood portrayal of Indians and what they did to the white man. They had no right to a country merely because they were born here and then acted like savages. The white man did not conquer this country … Since the Indians did not have the concept of...

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Mill’s methods of causal inference (student stuff)

Mill’s methods of causal inference (student stuff) .[embedded content] As we all know, R. A. Fisher was not too happy about Mill’s method of difference, since it, according to him, built on the impossible requirement of being able to compare identical units under different circumstances. Fisher instead favoured the experimental method of randomized treatment assignment. But if you cannot assign treatment randomly — as in most observational studies — there...

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Svensk inflationsberäkning — rena skämtet!

Svensk inflationsberäkning — rena skämtet! Den andra saken som framgår tydligt vid en titt på statistiken är vad som saknas i KPI: prisuppgången på bostäder. Posten boende står visserligen för hela 25 procent av indexet. Kostnaden har sedan mellan 1996 och 2021 stigit med drygt 40 procent. Vänta nu här, säger alla som tillbringat mer än fem minuter pà sajten Hemnet de senaste 15 åren. Är det inte en alleles for låg siffra? Visst är det så. Det...

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Hegel — wenn der Geist aufs Ganze geht

Hegel — wenn der Geist aufs Ganze geht Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel ist unbestritten einer der wichtigsten philosophischen Denker der Neuzeit. Aber — 250 Jahre nach der Geburt des deutschen Philosophen kann man sich fragen: Was bleibt von Hegel? Wer war er? Was wollte er? Und wie würde er unsere Gegenwart und Zukunft fassen?

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