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Home / Lars P. Syll (page 97)
Lars Pålsson Syll
Professor at Malmö University. Primary research interest - the philosophy, history and methodology of economics.

Lars P. Syll

Formalizing economic theory

What guarantee is there … that economic concepts can be mapped unambiguously into mathematical concepts? The belief in the power and necessity of formalizing economic theory mathematically has thus obliterated the distinction between cognitively perceiving and understanding concepts from different domains and mapping them into each other. Whether the age-old problem of the equality between supply and demand should be mathematically formalized as a system of inequalities or...

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Gödel and the limits of mathematics

Gödel and the limits of mathematics .[embedded content] Gödel’s incompleteness theorems raise important questions about the foundations of mathematics. The most important concern is the question of how to select the specific systems of axioms that mathematics is supposed to be founded on. Gödel’s theorems irrevocably show that no matter what system is chosen, there will always have to be other axioms to prove previously unproven truths. This, of course,...

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Tid är en bristvara i tv. Om man likväl ––som så ofta nu för tiden — använder dyrbar sändningstid till struntsaker och menlös ”underhållning” måste det finnas ett skäl. Televisionen är — fortfarande — för en stor del av befolkningen en viktig källa till information och världsbild. Att fylla ut programtablåer med trivialiteter blir därför ett effektivt medel att — istället för att fungera som ett effektivt instrument för åsiktsbildning och reflektion — tränga undan viktig...

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Enlightenment and mathematics

When in mathematics the unknown becomes the unknown quantity in an equation, it is made into something long familiar before any value has been assigned. Nature, before and after quantum theory, is what can be registered mathematically; even what cannot be assimilated, the insoluble and irrational, is fenced in by mathematical theorems. In the preemptive identification of the thoroughly mathematized world with truth, enlightenment believes itself safe from the return of the...

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En plats i mitt hjärta (personal)

En plats i mitt hjärta (personal) Sankt Pauli mellersta kyrkogård i Malmö är en plats som, sedan jag flyttade tillbaka till Malmö efter femtio år, kommit att betyda mycket för yours truly. Hit söker jag mig gärna för långa promenader med min hund, men också många gånger för att söka tröst och vilsam kontemplation ‘far from the madding crowd’. En lisa för själen. Far from the madding crowd’s ignoble strife,    Their sober wishes never learn’d to...

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Economics phrasebook

In 1990, two economics PhD students at the University of Chicago, Jeffrey Smith and Kermit Daniel … composed “Economics to Sociology Phrase Book” in order, as they put it, “to help economists adjust their way of speaking in a manner that will make it comprehensible to Sociologists” … Concerning economics terminology, by the way, one can see that not much has changed since then. Oleg Komlik

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