Saturday , October 5 2024
Home / Lars P. Syll (page 98)
Lars Pålsson Syll
Professor at Malmö University. Primary research interest - the philosophy, history and methodology of economics.

Lars P. Syll

Economic modelling

A couple of years ago, Paul Krugman had a piece up on his blog arguing that the ‘discipline of modeling’ is a sine qua non for tackling politically and emotionally charged economic issues: In my experience, modeling is a helpful tool (among others) in avoiding that trap, in being self-aware when you’re starting to let your desired conclusions dictate your analysis. Why? Because when you try to write down a model, it often seems to lead some place you weren’t expecting or...

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Foucault’s cryptonormative approach — a critique

Foucault’s cryptonormative approach — a critique I always found Foucault’s work frustrating to read. His empirical accounts are interesting and some of his concepts fruitful – disciplinary power, capillary power, surveillance, technologies of the self, the entrepreneur of the self, for example – and he was prescient about neoliberalism, but his theoretical reasoning is often confused. His attempts to define power, and his unacknowledged slippage between...

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Spirit in the Sky (personal)

Spirit in the Sky (personal) .[embedded content] Marcel Proust hade sin Madeleinekaka. Jag har musiken. Den här låten är för mig alltid förknippad med sommarminnen på 70-talet från Hästveda och Luhrsjön, där jag och kompisen Johan (Ehrenberg) brukade spela flipper vid strandcaféet och den här låten gick varm på jukeboxen. Minnen som fortfarande värmer och som glömskan inte rår på.

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Statistical inference and sampling assumptions

Statistical inference and sampling assumptions Real probability samples have two great benefits: (i) they allow unbiased extrapolation from the sample; (ii) with data internal to the sample, it is possible to estimate how much results are likely to change if another sample is taken. These benefits, of course, have a price: drawing probability samples is hard work. An investigator who assumes that a convenience sample is like a random sample seeks to obtain...

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