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Mike Norman Economics

Brian Chappatta – How to Trade MMT Is Wall Street’s Great Unknown

The biggest names in finance all have an opinion on the polarizing theory, but not a plan. This article has some real concerns about MMT causing inflation, but it says traders should get ready for it because it could be coming.The article seems to be saying is that the general public - and students - should stay lumbered with enormous debt to keep inflation down.But the new fiscal spending should help grow the economy to soak up the extra money so there won't be too much, or any,...

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Max Blumenthal searches for communist dictatorship at Venezuelan luxury mall

They say they Maduro is running a communist dictatorship in Venezuela. But hey, that socialism looks good to me! Shame about the toilet roll, though. [embedded content] The Grayzone's Max Blumenthal investigated Venezuela's "humanitarian crisis" in a luxury mall in a rich pro-opposition neighborhood, where he looked for the "authoritarian socialism" that Trump and the corporate media talk so much about.

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Mike Konczal – The Failures of Neoliberalism Are Bigger Than Politics

This is a really good article on how neoliberalism brought about the complete opposite of what they said it would. They said that there maybe a bit more inequality, but overall, most people would become better off as companies would be become more innovative and therefore more profitable.  The second was also a sense that if the government took shackles off of business, they would innovate and grow our way out of social problems. Relaxation of antitrust enforcement would lead to more...

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Going Underground – Colin Powell’s Chief of Staff- Don’t Mess with Hezbollah! Ex-KGB Agent on Skripal Poisonings

A very informative program. Col. Lawrence Wilkerson is very concerned about Israel's future because Trump and Benjamin Netanyahu are behaving so recklessly. After that, there is another look into the Skripal poisoning case.  [embedded content] On this episode of Going Underground, we speak to Colin Powell’s Chief of Staff Col. Lawrence Wilkerson who discusses a variety of issues such as the recent India-Pakistan conflict in Kashmir, Hezbollah’s designation as a terror organisation by the...

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Steve Keen – Debt Explosion

Paul Claireaux @PaulClaireaux Where's the evidence for the debt explosion? Right here ... from @ProfSteveKeen 's excellent short book, 'Can we avoid another financial crisis?' (Deffo worth a read that one) (similar pic applies to USA) Stacey HerbertThe top 1% have kept pace with money printing so they are doing as well as they were in 1970, it's just that everyone else has lost their purchasing power and thus the wealth and income gap has widened.In 1970, the average...

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Grace Blakeley – The next crash: why the world is unprepared for the economic dangers ahead

A global debt crisis, trade wars and a slowing China risk creating a new recession – even before the damage of the last one has been undone. Since 2012, Chinese GDP has grown at an annual rate of 6-8 per cent – weaker than in the pre-crisis period (growth peaked at 14 per cent in 2007) – but still strong enough to support the growth of the Chinese middle class and stimulate the economies of its major trading partners. The US recovery has been slow by historic standards but growth in 2018...

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Darrell Bricker and John Ibbitson – What goes up: are predictions of a population crisis wrong?

Changing fertility rates challenge dystopian visions and UN projections about the future of our overcrowded planet Some good news, World population may peak at below 9 billion and then start to go down. As people become urbanized they don't want so many children. In the field extra hands are useful, in a city an extra child is an extra mouth to feed. And women want careers and less children. These remarks offer a window on one of the most compelling questions of our time: how many people...

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Stephen Law – My short intro for the Battle of Ideas debate on Antisemitism Today

Stephen Law is a philosopher who wrote the book, Believing Bullshit - How Not To Fall Into an Intellectual Black Hole.  The Evidence [for anti -Semitism in the Labour Party] What's the evidence supporting the allegation that Labour has an anti-semitism problem? For the most part it consists of a few hundred complaints to the Labour Party, out of well over half a million members. That's a small fraction of one percent of the membership. And then there are various other alleged cases of...

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