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Mike Norman Economics

Philip Giraldi — The War Against Globalism

There have been windows in history when the people have had enough abuse and so rise up in revolt. The American and French revolutions come to mind as does 1848. Perhaps we are experiencing something like that at the present time, a revolt against the pressure to conform to globalist values that have been embraced to their benefit by the elites and the establishment in much of the world. It could well become a hard fought and sometimes bloody conflict but its outcome will shape the next...

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Chris Uhlmann & Angus Grigg — How the ‘Five Eyes’ cooked up the campaign to kill Huawei

All the evidence before the spy bosses at the dinner in Canada pointed to a rising superpower mounting the most comprehensive campaign of espionage and foreign interference that any had witnessed. The Party was aggressively exporting a worldview that was hostile to democracy and actively sought to undermine it. A new Great Game was afoot and the West had been slow to act. But it is acting now.Operation hang up on Huawei: how it happened:February 24 - Malcolm Turnbull lobbied US spy...

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Zero Hedge — Obamacare Gutted: Core Provisions Ruled Unconstitutional By Texas Judge

Core provisions of the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare, were ruled unconstitutional by a Texas judge on Friday following a lawsuit brought by a group of Republican attorneys general from 20 states against Democratic attorneys general from 14 states led by California's Xavier Becerra. Zero HedgeObamacare Gutted: Core Provisions Ruled Unconstitutional By Texas JudgeTyler DurdenSee alsoThe HillFederal judge in Texas strikes down ObamaCare Peter Sullivan

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Michael Hudson — FT: Wiping the slate clean: is it time to reconsider debt forgiveness?

I don't link to FT since it is behind a paywall (although FT Alphaville is not, but free registration may be required). Michael Hudson provides access to a recent article by Gillian Tett on debt forgiveness.Michael Hudson — On Finance, Real Estate And The Powers Of NeoliberalismFT: Wiping the slate clean: is it time to reconsider debt forgiveness?Michael Hudson | President of The Institute for the Study of Long-Term Economic Trends (ISLET), a Wall Street Financial Analyst, Distinguished...

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Links — 14 Dec 2008

Moon of AlabamaNewly Released 'Integrity Intitiative' Papers Include Proposal For Large Disinformation CampaignsSILavrov: Russia's Maria Butina Under Harsh Conditions, Tortured by US Authorities Caitlin Johnstone — Rogue JournalistImagine If Saudi Arabia Was Not A US Ally Caitlin Johnstone Tom LuongoRevisiting Turkey’s Debt Problem India PunchlineRussian deployment to Venezuela served the purpose M. K. Bhadrakumar | retired diplomat with the Indian Foreign ServiceSouthFrontUkrainian...

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Joaquin Flores — Russian Central Bank: Sanctions Do Not Have Decisive Impact on Economy

Sanctions do not have a decisive impact on economic growth in Russia, said Elvira Nabiullina. The head of the regulator spoke at a press conference with journalists today. “With regard to sanctions risks, geopolitical, we, of course, take this into account as one of the significant factors in forecasting the development of the economy. But I want to say that, in general, the economy is adapting to these sanctions, and we see that the growth rates are now close to potential. This factor...

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Peter Koenig – The Macron Implosion – Will It Spread to Other EU Members?

When I first read this, I dismissed it as maybe being a bit of a conspiracy theory, but I have just come across another site which says something similar, that the CIA hasn't been happy with Macron, except it added that Israel wasn't happy with him either. I put this up for discussion, Peter Koenig is normally very good. He wonders if the powers that be wanted him removed. Come to think of it – NATO. Wasn’t it Emmanuel Macron, who called a few weeks ago for an independent European army? That...

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Pepe Escobar — How the New Silk Roads are merging into Greater Eurasia

The concept of Greater Eurasia has been discussed at the highest levels of Russian academia and policy-making for some time. This week the policy was presented at the Council of Ministers and looks set to be enshrined, without fanfare, as the main guideline of Russian foreign policy for the foreseeable future. President Putin is unconditionally engaged to make it a success. Already at the St Petersburg International Economic Forum in 2016, Putin referred to an emerging “Eurasian...

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