The meme spreads, mostly coming from the right.Zero HedgeKunstler: Civil War Two Looms As Deep State Circles The WagonsAuthored by James Howard Kunstler via
Read More »Whitney Webb — Omidyar’s Intercept Teams Up with War-Propaganda Firm Bellingcat
The Intercept, along with its parent company First Look Media, recently hosted a workshop for pro-war, Google-funded organization Bellingcat in New York. The workshop, which cost $2,500 per person to attend and lasted five days, aimed to instruct participants in how to perform investigations using “open source” tools — with Bellingcat’s past, controversial investigations for use as case studies. The details of the workshop have not been made public and Bellingcat founder Elliott Higgins...
Read More »Gordon Adams — Trump’s Velvet Coup
The Brett Kavanaugh battle is just the tip of the iceberg. I am watching my country going through a slow motion disintegration into civil war, conflict, and the rise of authoritarianism. It’s a velvet coup d’état that controls the means of enforcement: the police, the courts, the political assemblies, the reins of corporate power, advertising and public relations. In other words, the creeping fascism that Richard Nixon attempted but failed, and which G. W. Bush and Dick Cheney advanced post...
Read More »Paul Antonopoulos — Major: Russia Responds to Sanctions – Will Phase Out Usd for All Foreign Trade
According to [Finance Minister Anton] Siluanov, the Russian authorities are working to avoid using the dollar in foreign trade, and start to carry out transactions in euros, rubles and other currencies.… “The list of countries that want to reduce their dependence on the US currency is large and includes all states that have already suffered or those who fear suffering from the dollar’s extremism,” the author said.... Fort Russ NewsMajor: Russia Responds to Sanctions – Will Phase Out Usd...
Read More »The Real News – Trump Officials Headline Neocon Iran Regime-Change Summit: Inside UANI
See the neocons lying - one big fat bold lie after another while pretending to be the good guys. They talk about Iran's crimes, but no mention on the evil Saudi/ US war against Yemen. [embedded content] John Bolton and Mike Pompeo headlined the annual United Against Nuclear Iran (UANI) summit, where speakers celebrated the strangling of the Iranian economy under U.S. sanctions and cheered on regime change. We report from inside
Read More »Mme Ulstein – The Great Libya before 2011 and the humanitarian tragedy that followed
Mme Ulstein, who originates from Algeria and lived for several years in Libya in the 1980’s states: “Many don’t know the truth about Gaddafi’s Libya. It was the richest country in Africa and Gaddafi was not trying to kill his people. These were media lies and we all know it.” She says: “In Libya under Muammar Gaddafi, education was free for everyone, grants were given to those who wished to study abroad, health care was free, gasoline and other necessities subsidized Each family had their...
Read More »Tony Hanson – Western atrocities in the Middle East create massive hatred towards the West: Libya, Syria
Tommy Hansen is a Danish, Berlin based journalist, founder of, a news site that features over 150 journalists’ work in Europe. In the Herland Report conversation, he speaks passionately about the deep rooted moral problem of Western culture as the implementation of democracy now is done by bombing countries. Afterwards, as that particular nation disintegrates into civil war and anarchy, Western companies take control of their oil revenues, the gas and the billion dollar...
Read More »Zero Hedge — Former Fed Governor Warns Of “Several Decade Cold War” With China
Zero HedgeFormer Fed Governor Warns Of "Several Decade Cold War" With China Tyler Durden
Read More »David Norman Smith — Sharing, not selling: Marx against value
In 1975, when I began to study Capital as a first-year graduate student, I was looking for the errors that my undergraduate economics teachers had told me rendered Capital obsolete. Several of these teachers belonged to the Union of Radical Political Economists and saw themselves as Marxists. But they agreed with their non-Marxist colleagues that Marx’s core value concepts were naively Hegelian. The good news, they said, was that the superstructure of Marx’s theory–class, capital...
Read More »Women for Kavanaugh
Looks like normal females here:Enjoyed meeting this incredible group of kind and friendly “Women for Kavanaugh.” What a difference from the other violent protestors we’ve seen around here...— Senator Rand Paul (@RandPaul) October 5, 2018
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