I often say that my long-term goal here is to become obsolete so that I can focus on making art and poetry. Ideally this will look like our society shifting to a mode of operation that is so healthy that there is no longer any demand for an Australian political blogger who points out the fact that it’s wrong to manipulate public thought with mass media and drop explosives on children, but I’ll also settle for a world in which there are enough people doing this sort of thing that I’m no...
Read More »RT – Trump calls out Google for ‘rigged’ search results, ‘illegal’ censorship, vows to take action
President Donald Trump has accused search giant Google of deliberately highlighting negative news about his administration, and “controlling what we can and cannot see.” Trump vowed that the situation “will be addressed.” https://www.rt.com/usa/437054-trump-google-censorship-news/
Read More »The Guardian – Quarter of 14-year-old girls in UK have self-harmed, report finds
Children’s Society analysis suggests tens of thousands hurting themselves on purpose Did you watch the film, Riding a C90 Through Iran, where everyone seemed happy and friendly. The young English biker did not need to buy any food while he was there as the Iranians just gave him food for nothing. Then at one point he pulled up at a place to buy petrol and they invited him in for lunch and gave him a nice meal. They couldn't speak any English but they loved his company, and after the...
Read More »Frank Li — John Maynard Keynes: The Best Economist Since 1899?
In a previous post (Milton Friedman: A Man of the Past?), I concluded that Milton Friedman, an extreme advocator of "free market" and individualism, is mostly an economist of the past. In this post, I will highlight John Maynard Keynes, a balanced advocator of both "free market" and "managed market", as the best economist since 1899.... Frank Li is a Chinese ex-pat now a businessman in the US, has a BE, ME, and PdD in electrical engineering. So cut him some space on the economics. He is...
Read More »Timothy Taylor — I Don’t Know So Well What I Think Until I See What I Say
I've known writers who have the essay almost fully formed in their mind, and it just pours out on to the page. It's happened for me a few times. But most writing for me, and I suspect for others, starts from a place of less clarity. There's an idea, to be sure, and some support for the idea. But as you try to put the ideas into concrete words, you become aware of a lack of precision in what you are saying, of a failure to capture what you really mean to say, of holes and inconsistencies in...
Read More »Deficit is the highest in 6 years. Where are all the MMT gods??
The deficit is now $766 bln, the highest in 6 years and the highest in 5 years as a % of GDP. Where are all the MMT gods touting this as bullish? Mosler's still bearish. He's been bearish for 4 years. Missed the entire rally.Kelton? Still criticizing Trump. BTW...at Mike Norman Economics we look at FLOWS. It gave us the bullish signal a long time ago.
Read More »Gordon Dimmack – More BBC BS anti-Russia hysteria
I quite this guy. I don't know who he is, but I like it when ordinary people set up their own news shows. If only we got news like this in the MSM. The real news. [embedded content]
Read More »The Real News – How Has Trump’s Working Class Rhetoric Compared to His Policies? Q&A (Pt 2/6)
See how Trump lied. He spoke up for everyday people but as soon as he got in he enriched the aristocracy with tax cuts. Also, the Koch brothers would love things to heat up with Iran as this could push the price of oil up to $250 per barrel.It just goes to show that voting doesn't change much, unless in the UK Jeremy Corbyn gets in, but they will surround his government with controversy to snooker it. [embedded content] Part 2 of Paul Jay and Aaron Mate’s interactive discussion with...
Read More »Self help classes and system fairies
Some people come to me thinking I’m the system fairy. I’m not.
Read More »Chris Hedges – How Central Bankers reshaped the world economy following the 2008 economic crisis
I recently put out here two Nomi Prins videos about her new book, so do we need another one? Well, all I can say is that I found this riveting like the others so I think you will enjoy it too.Nomi Prins says how the central banks created money out of thin air when they did quantitative easing but the banks and corporations used much of the money to buy back their shares and raise asset prices rather than invest in their businesses, or society. Now one day all this money will need to be...
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