Don't forget Africa. The most populous cities in the world are projected to be in Africa by the end of the century.NEOJihadism Spreads like Wildfire Across Africa Pavel Nastin
Read More »Joaquin Flores — Explaining Trump to ‘Socialist’ Liberals
This is an interesting read as the statement of a millennial on the current situation via a letter to his boomer father. He has clearly thought this through carefully. However, some of his assumptions, e.g., about monetary economics, central banking, etc., are mistaken, but this is a common issue since almost no one has a correct grasp of them.Flores argues to his labor-union leftist father how alt-right has become the new left and explains why. Of further interest, the family is...
Read More »Pepe Escobar — Here’s the real reason the US must talk to Russia
Pepe Escobar draws out the implications of Andrei Martyanov's Losing Military Supremacy: The Myopia of American Strategic Planning. What Martyanov describes as “the deadly combination of contemporary American elites’ ignorance, hubris and desperation,” though, cannot be underestimated. Already during his election campaign, Trump announced multiple times that he would contest the post-Cold War international (dis)order. Helsinki was a graphic demonstration that now Trump’s “drain the...
Read More »Publius Tacitus — America On It’s Way to Being Stalin’s Soviet Union
Nothing more sickening and offensive than the hypocrisy of a nation claiming to be the pinnacle of democracy and freedom while moving inexorably towards a state that embraces authoritarianism. And no, I do not mean that Donald Trump is the culprit. He is not. He is a weak man masquerading as a strong man while the BORG aka the Deep State pushes onward with its agenda to quash the spirit of liberty that once infused this great country. He is more a victim than an instigator.... Sic Semper...
Read More »Reuters — U.S. launches campaign to erode support for Iran’s leaders
More brilliant thinking from the folks in DC and Langley.ReutersU.S. launches campaign to erode support for Iran's leaders Jonathan Landay, Arshad Mohammed, Warren Strobel, John WalcottSee alsoPopular ResistanceViolent Coup Fails in Nicaragua, Us Continues Regime Change Efforts Kevin Zeese
Read More »RT — China must speed up development of nukes to deter US aggression – state media
The arms race heats up as Cold War 2.0 spreads to Asia.RTChina must speed up development of nukes to deter US aggression – state media
Read More »Tom Luongo — In U.S., Sometimes CIA Eat You
The First U.S. Civil War is here. The real Civil War. The one between We the People and the Government itself.... There's divisive and then there is divisive. Tom LuongoIn U.S., Sometimes CIA Eat You
Read More »Marisa Fernandez — is leapfrogging rural China into online shopping, the third-largest tech company in the world behind Amazon and Google's parent company Alphabet, is focusing on hundreds of isolated villages in rural China as it has hired 85,000 delivery personnel, and focusing on locals to do its bidding in ramping up online shopping, a relatively new concept for the region, according to The New Yorker's Jiayang Fan. Bold. AxiosWhat we're reading: is leapfrogging rural China into online shopping Marisa Fernandez
Read More »Jake Johnson — Bernie Sanders: Trump ‘Really Sold the American People Out’ in Helsinki Summit
Bernie flames out. He is either brainless, or an agent of the US deep state. Likely, brainless, which became clear when he did not listen to Stephanie Kelton after appoint her economic adviser. Is there anyone else on the US left (global center right) with promise, that is, groks both domestic and foreign issues? Most of them are clueless about economics and members of the war party. Sad.Common DreamsBernie Sanders: Trump 'Really Sold the American People Out' in Helsinki Summit Jake...
Read More »Zero Hedge — “Truth Was Irrelevant” WSJ Asks: Was Brennan’s Action The Real “Treason”?
Brennan in the crosshairs? I don't link to the WSJ since it is behind a paywall. ZH recounts the latest there.Zero Hedge"Truth Was Irrelevant" WSJ Asks: Was Brennan's Action The Real "Treason"? Tyler Durden
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