The relentless flattening of the Treasury yield curve has been a topic of ongoing debate -- is this a signal that a recession is near? The key to interpreting the flattening is that bond market participants are not paid to to anticipate economic outcomes (outside the corner case of the inflation-linked market), rather to anticipate the path of short-term rates (and the term premium). The flattening yield curve tells us that market participants (on average) believe that we are near the end...
Read More »George Soros “Paid Protestor” Opens Up To TYT?!
[embedded content] TYT Politics reporter Michael Tracey interviews a "paid protester" from George Soros at a Rep. Doug LaMalfa (R-CA) town hall. A pyramid scheme where this paid protester gets double the money for recruiting others. He says it has made him rich and if it wasn't for the money he would be skiing, or something.
Read More »The Rational National – Ben Shapiro Blasts Dem Socialist Ocasio-Cortez For ‘Radical’ Platform
Ever wondered about Ben Shapiro, well, it turns he is paid shill of the ruling elite? What about Dave Rubin, well, he became a libertarian overnight when the Koch brothers offered him big money? David Doel says all these people are interested in is money; that they are have been corrupted by the Corporatocracy. .Ben Shapiro is also a liar who distorts the facts. [embedded content] On Fox News, Ben Shapiro blasted new Democratic challenger Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. But what’s really...
Read More »PCR – Putin Confronts The American Dystopia
Putin Confronts The American Dystopia Paul Craig Roberts We have to hand it to Putin. He is the best that there is. Note the ease with which he mopped up the floor with that idiot Chris Wallace. What is wrong with the US media that it cannot produce a second competent journalist as company for Tucker Carlson? Why are America’s remaining good journalists, such as Chris Hedges, now in the alternate media? All I can say, and Putin...
Read More »John Atcheson – Let’s Just Admit It: Capitalism Doesn’t Work
"In the Soviet Union, capitalism triumphed over communism. In this country, capitalism triumphed over democracy."—Fran Lebowitz In almost every way you examine it, capitalism – at least the relatively unconstrained, free- market variety practiced here in the US and supported by both parties -- has been an abysmal failure. Let’s take a close look some of its worst failings. But first, it must be admitted that when it comes to exploiting people and the planet for the purpose of...
Read More »Pepe Escobar — A walk on the wild side as Trump meets Putin at Finland station
Pepe catches us up on the Trump-Putin summit and fallout. Asia TimesA walk on the wild side as Trump meets Putin at Finland station Pepe EscobarSee also Unbeknownst to most, World War III has been raging for very close to four decades now—ever since the collapse of the Berlin Wall. It was preceded by the Cold War, which ended when Mikhail Gorbachev capitulated to the West, causing the Warsaw Pact to dissolve in confusion. In spite of his capitulation, the West never abandoned its plan...
Read More »Sputnik — Coming Coup Against Trump
But since the West has been fighting World War III against itself, its victory will also be its defeat. Indeed, not only is it losing, but it is also being invaded—by mobs of migrants from the various countries it has destroyed, having used them as surrogate enemies in its notional battle against Russia. Give it a few more decades, and at this rate the West will be no more, its slow-breeding population replaced by the much more fecund newcomers. The countries that make it up will dissolve...
Read More »Sputnik — ‘Russian Agent’ Arrested in US Was Endorsed by Anti-Putin Opposition
The curious case of Mariia Butina, a Russian national arrested in Washington, takes a truly astonishing turn. Despite being portrayed as an agent of the Russian government, in reality she seems to be tied with the politicians opposing President Putin, and even actively participated in anti-government protests in Moscow.Butina was arrested Sunday on the charge of conspiring to act as a foreign agent of Russia, according to a Department of Justice (DOJ) statement and indictment released...
Read More »Paul Antonopoulos — BEYOND THE NOISE: What ELSE did Trump and Putin discuss at Helsinki?
Putin's view of what transpired as he has stated it publicly.Fort RussBEYOND THE NOISE: What ELSE did Trump and Putin discuss at Helsinki? Paul AntonopoulosSee also by the same author.Putin: US EFFORTS TO ISOLATE RUSSIA HAVE FINALLY FAILEDAlsoTRUMP: Open Dialogue Vital for U.S, Russia & World See also at Fort Russ In contrast to US MSM, German foreign minister calls for more US-RF rapprochement as a necessity Maria Kormbaki reporting via
Read More »John Helmer — Dmitry Peskov Coaches Vladimir Putin at Helsinki Game
Prepped by Peskov, Putin Began at Minute 31 to “Suggest That Your Relevant Commission Led by US Special Counsel – What Is His Name, Mr Mueller or Meller? – Should Send Us, in Compliance With This Treaty, an Official Request for Interrogating the People That He Believes to Be Guilty of Committing a Crime. Our Prosecutor-General’s Office and Investigative Agencies Can Interrogate These People and Forward the Relevant Materials to the United States. “Moreover, We Can Take Another Step to Meet...
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