Summary an all-star cast. The Next SystemMoney Matters— Why Monetary Theory and Policy Is a Critical Terrain For the Left ht Footsoldier in the comments
Read More »Jesse — Real News: About That Russian Hacking Indictment And Its Willful Misuse
I had similar thoughts perusing Risen's article at The Intercept.Jesse's Café AméricainReal News: About That Russian Hacking Indictment And Its Willful Misuse Jesse
Read More »Oleg Komlik — Robert Solow’s sarcastic economics
You may have seen these comments by Robert Solow before, but it is convenient to have them collected in one place. Economic Sociology and Political EconomyRobert Solow’s sarcastic economicsOleg Komlik | founder and editor-in-chief of the ES/PE, Chairman of the Junior Sociologists Network at the International Sociological Association, a PhD Candidate in Economic Sociology in the Department of Sociology and Anthropology at Ben-Gurion University, and a Lecturer in the School of Behavioral...
Read More »The Duran – Vladimir Putin CRUSHES George Soros for all western “leaders” to see
[embedded content] I quite like Putin, and so does PCR and Stephen lendman. Western politicians are loud, arrogant, and abrasive and full of ego. In the video below Putin comes over as relaxed and unassuming. Of course, I don't know what he is really like, but I have watched quite a few Putin videos over the years and he always comes across as a decent guy to me. But I'm not naive, you don't get to the top of Russia and take on the gangsters and the oligarchs - who want to hand Russia over...
Read More »Bryan Gocke – They say there’s no “magic money tree”…well there is! But…
Let's hope Jeremy Corbyn and his team cotton on to MMT soon. This will leave the Tories as the high taxation, austerity party with diminished public services. Pay more, get less.Bryan Gocke says that MMT would be difficult to implement as the elite have so much power and run the financial system and corporations and would stymie a Labour party which tried to implement it, but he thinks there's a chance it could win through. I might add, after all, who would have thought the NHS could have...
Read More »Conditional Falsehood
This is false for a fixed regulatory capital and when subjected to time domain analysis: Banks do not lend out reserves and a particular bank’s ability to expand its balance sheet by lending is not constrained by the quantity of reserves it holds or any fractional reserve requirements that might be imposed by the central bank. — Nathan Becker (@netbacker) July 14, 2018 Not taking issue with netbacker but perhaps the one who put this idea in his head...
Read More »Nomi Prins WARNING* Biggest Currency Reboot in 100 Years (By July-2018) The Central Banks Unleash
Just when you thought it was safe - more doom and gloom from Nomi Prins who predicts another financial bust coming soon.She says how Western central banks bailed out the banks but did nothing form main street, but in China the central bank used quantitive easing to rebuild its infrastructure, like putting high speed rail all over the country. She says how the West laughed at the ghost cities that China built which stood empty, but China plans long term and the new high speed rail system is...
Read More »Paul Jay – The Billionaire Class is Not Fit to Rule
Paul Jay describes everything they is wrong with our society and what we can do to save it. The elites are not fit to rule, says Paul Jay, as they are in an orgy of mass profits and can't believe their luck, and so they have no incentive to change, even if they are bringing the world to an end. They are also destroying western civilisation as Nomi Prins describes.The elites believe they can ride the storms of climate change and environmental destructing and watch the world go to hell while...
Read More »Elaine Graham-Leigh — Marxism and Human Nature
Weekend reading.This post presents the Marxist position on human nature as socially embedded and historically determined in contrast to the the natural law position of classical liberalism that is based on individualism.Longish, but clearly written and informative.CounterfireMarxism and Human Nature Elaine Graham-Leigh
Read More »Marisa Fernandez — Amazon leaves retail competitors in the dust, claims 50% of U.S. e-commerce market
AXIOSAmazon leaves retail competitors in the dust, claims 50% of U.S. e-commerce market Marisa Fernandez
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