What the article misses is that Muslims name their first male child Muhammad in honor of the Prophet. This obviously influences the distribution within a population group that may suggest something about the population that is not the case.Breitbart News has been accused of representing white nationalism. Breitbart honcho Steve Bannon has publicly disavowed white nationalism.Make up you own mind.Breitbart NewsMuhammad Is Top English Baby Name for Fifth Year Running Oliver JJ Lane
Read More »Noah Smith — Why Workers Are Losing to Capitalists
Back in April, I wrote about one of the most troubling mysteries in economics, the falling labor share. Less of the income the economy produces is going to people who work, and more is going to people who own things.... Mystery to morons conventional economists maybe.Here, Noah, read this: Michal Kalecki, "Political Aspects of Full Employment" (Political Quarterly, 1943). It's even posted at Brad DeLong's site.It's a feature of capitalism, or a bug, depending on which side one is on. The...
Read More »Zainab Calcuttawala — Could Kurdish Independence Spark An Oil War?
Israel and the US are determined to create an independent Kurdistan. Turkey, Syria, Iraq and Iran are all determined to block it since they would all lose territory or be threatened by Kurdish separatists within their borders. Russia and China are allied with the latter group.This has all the makings of a gripping reality show. Right now, the race is on for control of the oil fields that lie in Kurdistan that are part of Syria, Iraq and to some extent in Iran. This was part of the original...
Read More »Paul Antonopoulos — Kurdish-led forces advance against ISIS to beat the Syrian Army to Deir Ezzor’s oil, gas fields
The race is on. Fort Russ Kurdish-led forces advance against ISIS to beat the Syrian Army to Deir Ezzor's oil, gas fields Paul Antonopoulos
Read More »William Binney and Ray McGovern — More Holes in Russia-gate Narrative
It is no secret that our July 24 VIPS Memorandum for the President, entitled “Was the ‘Russian Hack’ an Inside Job?,” gave rise to some questioning and controversy – nor was it a surprise that it was met with almost total silence in the mainstream media. The ongoing U.S. media campaign against Russia has been so effective that otherwise intelligent people have been unable even to entertain the notion that they may have been totally misled by the intelligence community. The last time this...
Read More »Simon Jenkins: Ignore Trump’s lies. North Korea is no threat to Britain
Again it is right who are on the button (some the liberal left are too but they don't don't get space in the MSM). Simon Jenkins of the Guardian has put out an excellent article, but underneath the majority of the readers are hopping mad at him because they have been so whipped up into a frenzy by the MSM that they have trouble believing that NK is not a threat. NK is like a Chiwawa surrounded by thousand angry bears, it would never dare to try it on, ever!I've been arguing with the readers...
Read More »‘We Are Mental, So Completely Mental, That We Will Blow the Whole Planet Up and End All Life On It Unless You Surrender’
Sorry about the extreme heading, but that's how I see it. Below is an article by Paul Craig Roberts article which I suggest you don't read if you want to stay happy. The few people that I have spoken to about this, among my friends and family, say to me, 'you're crazy KV, crazy, they ain't gonna startb WW3, I know they ain't going to do that, where is it in the media, who would do such a thing? That's madness, no politicians are talking about it, it's just not gonna happen'. And then they...
Read More »Gary Leupp — Why Would 58% Favor U.S. Bombing of North Korea?
A new Gallup poll indicates the 58% of U.S. residents polled say they favor U.S. military action against North Korea if the U.S. “cannot accomplish its goals by more peaceful means first.” Like most polls it is tendentiously worded. What are “its goals”? U.S. goals? What national, discussed and decided, “goals” do we have (as a nation) as regards the Korean peninsula? I’m actually a U.S. citizen and a specialist in East Asian history. Frankly, I know a lot about Korea.......
Read More »Bill McBride on the FOMC meeting
No big surprises. Calculated Risk FOMC Projections and Press Conference Link FOMC Statement: "In October, the Committee will initiate the balance sheet normalization program" Bill McBride
Read More »Umar Haque — Americans Are Dying For Healthcare
Yet there’s a logic — however absurd — to it. It’s a case of income maximization gone extreme. Repealing healthcare will maximize incomes for healthcare providers, Congressmen, lobbyists, pharmaceutical companies. And repealing healthcare will maximize incomes for households, by lowering taxes. Never mind that it shrinks life expectancy, which is to say: never mind the long-term benefits of such investments — in this paradigm, all that matters is income, right now. Thus, the overarching...
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