The establishment flagging news as fake will just drive it instead. Free adversting for the fake news and free public relations for the sources.Breitbart NewsStudy: Flagging Stories as ‘Fake News’ Ineffective; People No Longer Trust MediaNate Church
Read More »Bannon to Charlie Rose — Trump Combined ‘Jacksonian Populism’ & ‘Hamiltonian Economic Nationalism’ to Galvanize Working-Class Americans
MAGA. Steve Bannon seem to have either forgot about or is ignorant of Friedrich List and the National System and a lot of other American populist and economic nationalist history. Or he is just pumping the big names that most people recognize and relate to. Breitbart News Bannon to Charlie Rose: Trump Combined ‘Jacksonian Populism’ & ‘Hamiltonian Economic Nationalism’ to Galvanize Working-Class Americans Tony Lee
Read More »ikb22 — YouTube Is Adamant About Censoring Southfront
YouTube Rejects Appeal, Holds ‘Original Decision’ To Censor Southfront’s Channel Gives "googling" a new meaning in addition to searching and providing intel to the US government. Now it inclues censorship. (Google owns YouTube.) What are the alternatives to YouTube to avoid the censor?SouthFrontYouTube Is Adamant About Censoring Southfront ikb22
Read More »Viable Opposition — The Friendship Treaty Between China and North Korea
Must read. With the Trump Administration threatening to move against the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) as a punishment for their ballistic missile and nuclear programs, it is a good time to take a look back to 1961 when the People's Republic of China and the DPRK signed the "Treaty of Friendship, Co-operation and Mutual Assistance Between the People's Republic of China and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.Here is the text of the treaty which was signed in July 1961:...
Read More »Ryan Grim — The Obamacare Fight Is Over — Now It’s On To Universal Medicare
The train is pulling out of the station. The InterceptThe Obamacare Fight Is Over — Now It’s On To Universal Medicare Ryan GrimAlsoBernie’s Army: 24 Organizations With Millions of Members Vow To Help Pass His Universal Medicare Plan Zaid Jilani Pharma CEO Worries Americans Will Say “Enough is Enough” and Embrace Bernie Sanders’ Single-Payer PlanLee Fang
Read More »Brazil’s Corruption Scandals: No Winners, No End in Sight — Gregory Wilpert interviews Alex Hochuli
Brazil has become an international laughingstock and poster child of a banana republic, but this is no laughing matter for millions of people. Sadly, Brazil is becoming a failed state.TRNNBrazil's Corruption Scandals: No Winners, No End in Sight Gregory Wilpert interviews Alex Hochuli
Read More »William J. Astore — The ‘World’s Greatest Military’ Is Indeed Great—at Defeating Itself
Once upon a time, when there were still two superpowers on Planet Earth, Washington’s worldwide military posture had a clear rationale: the containment of communism. Soon after the Soviet Union imploded in 1991 to much triumphalist self-congratulation in Washington, the scholar and former CIA consultant Chalmers Johnson had an epiphany. What he would come to call “the American Raj,” a global imperial structure ostensibly built to corral the menace of communism, wasn’t going away just...
Read More »Robert Parry — Reagan Documents Shed Light on U.S. ‘Meddling’
“Secret” documents, recently declassified by the Reagan presidential library, reveal senior White House officials reengaging a former CIA “proprietary,” The Asia Foundation, in “political action,” an intelligence term of art for influencing the actions of foreign governments. The documents from 1982 came at a turning-point moment when the Reagan administration was revamping how the U.S. government endeavored to manipulate the internal affairs of governments around the world in the wake of...
Read More »David F. Ruccio — “Profits above morals and humanity”
Value determined by the price the market will bear rather than by cost. The classical definition of economic rent is market price in excess of cost of production (ht Michael Hudson).Occasional Links & Commentary“Profits above morals and humanity”David F. Ruccio | Professor of Economics, University of Notre Dame
Read More »Yanis Varoufakis: Germany needs a frank debate, not this tepid election campaign
The Greek people are paying dearly for having been lulled into a false sense of security, writes former Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis. Germans, he says, are laboring under the same illusion today. Complacency is a country's worst enemy. My compatriots were, once upon a time, lulled into a false sense of having "made it." I very much fear that a majority of Germans feel their land is "doing fine." That the federal election campaign is proving such a tepid affair is a reflection of the...
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