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Mike Norman Economics

Assad Abu Khalil — This is the vision of Muhammad bin Salman (those posts are not funded by Gulf embassies in DC)

Our guy.Angry Arab News ServiceThis is the vision of Muhammad bin Salman (those posts are not funded by Gulf embassies in DC) Assad Abu Khalil | Professor of Political Science, California State University, Stanislausalso This view is rarely represented in reports by Western correspondents in Beirut "“Israel caricatures Hizbullah as a terrorist organisation,” says Rifaat Nasrallah, the Christian militia’s leader (and no relation of Hassan). “But the resistance is not some external...

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Sputnik International — Dalai Lama Teams Up With Russian Scientists to Find Recipe of Global Happiness

The Dalai Lama and a group of neuroscientists from Russia have agreed to put their heads together in the study of human conscience, the impact of meditation, neurobiology and cognitive psychology for the sake of peace and happiness for all. Sputnik International Dalai Lama Teams Up With Russian Scientists to Find Recipe of Global Happiness

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The Battle for Venezuela and Its Oil — Jeremy Scahill interviews Eva Golinger

Backgrounder. EG: Because while there is a state reaction taking place, there is repression with tear gas and rubber bullets, you’re not seeing the other side of it, which is that those are not exactly peaceful democratic protests. There are smaller factions. I mean, there are parts of the opposition in Venezuela that act within a democratic framework, but there is a very violent faction that’s gotten out of control. It’s anarchical. I mean, they where they’re using Molotov cocktails,...

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Andre Damon — Defense Secretary “Mad Dog” Mattis visits Google and Amazon

The censorship algorithms rolled out by Google no doubt figured prominently in Mattis’ discussions with tech executives. The nominal purpose of his visit, however, was to integrate Silicon Valley firms even more closely into the booming and lucrative business of waging war. On Thursday, Mattis met with Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos at the tech giant’s headquarters in Seattle. On Friday, he spoke at the headquarters of Defense Innovation Unit Experimental (DUIX), a Defense Department unit located...

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Lars P. Syll — Habermas and Rorty on intersubjectivity and truth

This cuts for the core of liberalism.The liberalism that characterizes the West is a political theory based on ontological, epistemological, and ethical assumptions based mostly on 18th, 19th and 20th century Anglo-American thinkers, with roots in Classical Greek thought and subsequent Christian theology.It is assumed to be based on eternal values and truths.This is contested even in the West, where liberalism has different interpretations and different positions contend. It is also at odds...

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Conor Lynch — Bernie Sanders, the socialist revival and the unexpected upsurge of millennial Marxism

Though the 75-year old senator played an essential role in demystifying socialism to the public and instilling a radical spirit in the progressive movement, the current resurgence of class politics on the left has been in the works for many years, going back to the 2007-08 financial crisis. It hasn’t been white-haired socialists who have provided the foundation for this resurgence, but young people who grew up in the era of neoliberalism. This was evident last week, when progressive...

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Bloomberg View — Kids Should Know How to Code

The three r's plus c. Reading, writing, 'rithmetic, and coding.Wholeheartedly agree. Digital natives need to be digitally literate.I would a reasoning to the three r's.Coding relates closely to reasoning in addition to acquiring symbolic literacy in a computer language. It is also a bridge to mathematical reasoning.Bloomberg ViewKids Should Know How to Code The Editors

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