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Mike Norman Economics

Full transcript of the interview of Michael Hudson by the Saker — The Saker

Dear friends,I can share with you know one, but TWO different versions of the transcript of my interview with Michael Hudson. One I had expected, one was directly sent to me by a reader. So rather than chose one, I will offer you both for download. Just click on this link to download either or both of these files: regardsAndrei [Raevsky]The Vineyard of the SakerFull transcript of the interview of Michael...

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Counterpunch to economic history — Eric Draitser interviews Michael Hudson

Transcript of video interview.Michael Hudson — On Finance, Real Estate And The Powers Of NeoliberalismCounterpunch to economic historyEric Draitser interviews Michael Hudson | President of The Institute for the Study of Long-Term Economic Trends (ISLET), a Wall Street Financial Analyst, Distinguished Research Professor of Economics at the University of Missouri, Kansas City, and Guest Professor at Peking University

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Links — 7 August 2022 Part 2

Reminiscence of the FutureBernhard Commented On Larry's Superb Piece.Andrei Martyanov, former USSR naval officer and expert on Russian military and naval issues. — Question More (Russian state-sponsored media)Ex-US special rep for Ukraine predicts when fighting will end (not until next year, at least. US will continue to back Ukraine for the...

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Bill Mitchell – US Labour Market – creating work but participation and real wages falling

Last Friday (August 5, 2022), the US Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) released their latest labour market data – Employment Situation Summary – July 2022 – which reported a total payroll employment rise of only 528,000 jobs and an official unemployment rate of 3.5 per cent. Many commentators immediately claimed that the labour market was tightening as a result of the decline in the official unemployment rate, but that was all down to a decline in the participation rate – less people looking...

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Why Are We Kneecapping the Recovery? — Stephanie Kelton

Monetarism continues to run amok.The LensWhy Are We Kneecapping the Recovery?Stephanie Kelton | Professor of Public Policy and Economics at Stony Brook University, formerly Democrats' chief economist on the staff of the U.S. Senate Budget Committee, and an economic adviser to the 2016 presidential campaign of Senator Bernie Sanders

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Links 7 — August 2022 Part 1

Mindorenyo Ukraine TimelineDetroit Dan Vineyard of the SakerAn unpleasant truth for Ukrainians is coming to light (Western media has ignored Ukrainian war crimes against Russian Ukrainians in the Donbas and other areas of Novorossiya. Amnesty International has shined some light on it.)Batko Milacic for the Saker Blog of Alabama'Western' Conflict...

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Links — 6 August 2022 Part 2

A Son of the New American RevolutionThe New York Times Struggles With Russian and Ukrainian StrawmenLarry C. Johnson | CEO and co-founder of BERG Associates, LLC, an international business-consulting firm with expertise combating terrorism and investigating money laundering, formerly Deputy Director in the U.S. State Department’s Office of Counter Terrorism (1989-1993, and CIA operations...

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