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Mike Norman Economics

Links — 8 July 2022 Part 2

Reminiscence of the Future"Belgorod" Is In. (Wunderwaffe?)Andrei Martyanov, former USSR naval officer and expert on Russian military and naval issues Son of the New American Revolution NATO FANTASY SOLDIERS (delusional leadership) Helmholtz Smith Times (UK)Bomb Russia’s [Kerch Strait] bridge to Crimea [with British Harpoon missiles], Ukraine urged. Ex-Nato commander  [General Philip...

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Opinion | The (Fairly Serious) Case for Jon Stewart in 2024 — Juleanna Glover (MMT related)

 To get the “seriousness” question out of the way right off the top: Stewart’s definition of being an entertainer has him wrestling with the kind of big, serious topics that actual politicians specialize in avoiding. He spends his time recording an AppleTV show and podcast interview show on policy issues such as abortion, climate change, gun control, misinformation, modern monetary theory and other wonky-current topics, with the occasional Judd Apatow and Mark Cuban appearance thrown in for...

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Why inflation is likely to stick around — Philip Pilkington

Today I am not going to lay out any data or anything like that. I jut want to put down some thoughts on inflation. I will do so in the form of a Q&A as it will allow for a Devil’s Advocate sort of assessment. This is important because I think there are reasonable disagreements over whether inflation is here to stay or not.Inflation is here to stay unless or until there is a recession. e.g. from much higher prices or artificially imposed demand destruction by the central bank. The factors...

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Russia formulates the future of the global financial system — RUSSTRAT

This post is chiefly about global economics and its role in the global system. The global order (system) is shifting from a neoliberal one, therefore away from an approach to economics based largely on finance and toward a classical one based chiefly on resource availability and commodity production.On June 16, Aleksey Miller, Chairman of the Gazprom Management Committee, made a number of significant statements during his speech at the St. Petersburg Economic Forum, which were not...

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Links — 8 July 2022 Part 1

Reminiscence of the FutureThe Saker Site Issue. (I am getting in this way too.)Andrei Martyanov, former USSR naval officer and expert on Russian military and naval issues.RT — Question More (Russian state-sponsored media)Indian PM criticizes British ‘servant class’ schooling (Modi: "The British provided this education system to prepare a servant class for themselves to meet their needs.") (sanctioned by the US...

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Europe goes green

Saw this yesterday…. Almost spit my coffee out…. I guess I’m not the only one who sees this… I have a degree in Energy Sciences and Economics from the University of Calgary. Greta, you are a borderline high-school dropout. From someone who is infinitely more qualified than you - Nuclear power is green. It's safe, reliable, and saying otherwise is bad faith pandering.— Keean Bexte 🇳🇱 (@TheRealKeean) July 6, 2022

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Links — 7 July 2022 Part 2

Reminiscence of the FutureYou Ain't Seen Nothing Yet.Andrei Martyanov, former USSR naval officer and expert on Russian military and naval issues. Is No ‘Magic Bullet’ That Can Turn the Tide for Ukraine (The Pentagon is apparently not telling the president this.)Lt. Col. Daniel L. Davis (USA ret.), Senior Fellow and Military Expert for Defense...

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(Wunderwaffe Thinking Pt. 2 — Andrei Martyanov (video 32.29)

[embedded content]Wunderwaffe Thinking Pt. 2Andrei Martyanov, former USSR naval officer and expert on Russian military and naval issues. Martyanov was born in Baku, USSR in 1963. He graduated from the Kirov Naval Red Banner Academy and served as an officer on the ships and staff position of Soviet Coast Guard through 1990. He took part in the events in the Caucasus which led to the collapse of the Soviet Union. In mid-1990s he moved to the United States where he currently works as Laboratory...

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Dreaded QT has begun. Watch the doomsayers go down.

All the catastrophic predictions with respect to the Fed's dreaded "QT." Watch how wrong this will turn out. I predicted this a long time ago. Trade and invest using the concepts of MMT. Get a 30-day free trial to MMT Trader. Mike Norman Twitter Mike Norman Economics:

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