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Mike Norman Economics

Links — 13 May 2022“The Squad” Doesn’t Exist Outside Of Social MediaCaitlin Johnstone PunchlineIndo-Pacific strategy adrift in an illusionM. K. Bhadrakumar | retired diplomat with the Indian Foreign Service and former ambassador Vineyard of the SakerEmpire of Bioweapon LiesPepe...

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Links — 12 May 2022 Part 2

WWIII WatchSputnik International (Russian state-sponsored media)Polish Intervention in Ukraine Might Unleash World War III, Retired US Colonel [Douglas Macgregor] Warns ("The entry of Polish forces into the conflict in Ukraine to try to save a “shattered” Ukrainian military and “save face” for the Biden administration threatens to unleash a direct military confrontation between NATO and Russia, retired US Army colonel Douglas Macgregor has warned.")Why Biden's Ukraine Military Adventure Will...

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Links — 12 May 2022 Part 1

The Vineyard of the SakerTwo months of Operation ZLjubiša Malenica for the Saker Blog Son of the New American RevolutionUkrainian Snake Eaters Get A Russian Snake Bite and Other War ReportsLarry C. Johnson | CEO and co-founder of BERG Associates, LLC, an international business-consulting firm with expertise combating terrorism and investigating money laundering, formerly Deputy Director in the U.S. State Department’s Office of Counter Terrorism...

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Bill Mitchell — US inflation is moderating while a massive fiscal contraction is underway – recession looming

Yesterday (May 11, 2022), the US Bureau of Labor Statistics released the latest – Consumer Price Index Summary – April 2022 – which showed the monthly increase in the CPI to be 0.3 per cent, the lowest monthly increase since August 2021 and, as it happens, just about right on the average monthly growth rate from January 1947 and April 2022. The result suggests a tapering of price pressures. The Energy component fell by 2.7 per cent in April after spiking at 11 per cent in March. Further, the...

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Fed officials face pressure for more aggressive policy action

Fed taking a lot of shit for not being more “hawkish!” on Art Degree economoron figure of speech “inflation!”…. Meanwhile Fed probably very limited on ability for rate increases due to short term IOR liabilities …  if I were Fed and I had to throw the Biden people a bone today I would just say I was going to move up the QT instead of accelerating rate increases…But maybe Fed can’t do that either because they have already planned for a definitive redemption schedule of their govt securities...

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