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Mike Norman Economics

Links — 22 Mar 2022 Part 1

The Vineyard of the SakerForeign Minister Sergey Lavrov: Leaders of Russia management competition, Moscow, March 19, 2022 CapitalismUkraine Latest: More Shortages; Misunderstanding Russian Strategy?Yves Smith Now (transcript)“Russia & China, Together at...

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Bill Mitchell — Advanced countries should invest in fair trade ventures (without ownership claims)

According to the International Coffee Organization (ICO), the price of coffee has risen for 17 consecutive months and the sector is being hit with sequential shocks, the latest being the Ukrainian conflict, which is having impacts on both the demand and supply sides. I was talking with a friend over the weekend just gone and they were complaining that a cup of coffee had risen to $A7 or thereabouts, which was really squeezing people’s incomes. As a disclaimer, I have never had a cup of...

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Links — 21 Mar 2022 Part 2

The Vineyard of the SakerPepe Escobar Live with Rachel Marsden (video interview) by Russian Defence Ministry of AlabamaBits Of Interest From The War In Ukraine Chuck Todd a Chemical Agent?Ray McGovern, co-founder of Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity, and retired 27-year career CIA whose...

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Links — 21 Mar 2022 Part 1

Geopolitika.ruTHE POTENTIAL CATASTROPHE OF MISPERCEIVING ‘TOTAL WAR’ AS TACTICAL WARAlastair Crooke | founder and director of the Conflicts Forum, and former British diplomat and senior figure in British intelligence and in European Union diplomacy OnlineObama defense secretary Leon Panetta says NATO is in a “proxy war” with Russia (important)Originally published: World Socialist Web Site (WSWS)...

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Bill Mitchell — Cash machine capitalism–it is getting uglier by the day

The current period is really exposing what is wrong with the world order based on Capitalism. Those in the know have always understood that the system is not designed to advance human prosperity generally. At times in history, it has required the general improvement in material living standards to accomplish its aims – which are different from that improvement. So, it has tolerated a more equitable distribution of income and access to consumption purchasing power. But while the masses became...

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Links — 20 Mar 2022 Part 2

PoliticoCheney: Use of chemical weapons is 'red line' for NATO intervention (false flag locked in? Here we go again. Syria redux. When I was serving as naval officer in the Western Pacific at the time  of the Gulf of Tonkin false flag, I smelled a rat. Amazing how this still works after exposure of that incident, Iraq WMD, Syria White Helmets, etc. Are people that stupid? Looking at the other obvious propaganda and psyops, yes. The Wurlitzer is cranked up to full blast . The barrage is...

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Links — 20 Mar 2022 Part 1

CaitlinJohnstone.comPeople Overestimate The US War Machine And Underestimate The US Propaganda MachineCaitlin Johnstone (Russian state-sponsored media)China warns of ‘unimaginable consequences’ of forcing nuclear power into a corner PunchlineChina sees parallel between Ukraine, TaiwanM. K....

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Links — 19 Mar 2022 Part 2

Reminiscence of the FutureLarry Thinks About Hunger, Patrick--About Mistakes.Andrei Martyanov, former USSR naval officer and expert on Russian military and naval issues. McGovernBiden Is Not Fully In Charge Ritter & Ray on Same Page on Ukraine McGovern,...

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