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Mike Norman Economics

Links — 26 Feb 2022 AM

Sputnik International (Would the US launch WWIII to preserve hegemony?)Biden Says Alternative to Massive Sanctions Against Russia Over Ukraine is 'Third World War' Doctorow — International relations, Russian affairsThe Russian Way of WarGilbert...

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Guido Franzinetti — It’s the Politics, Stupid!

 While not agreeing with all the finer points of the article, its overall point of realism over idealism in geopolitics is correct. Look at deeds, not words. Words very often are "rational" justification as a veneer over the actual interests driving policy. The relentless expansion of the Anglo-American Empire based on "spreading freedom, democracy, and human rights" when it is actually about global domination is a case in point. This is just what empires do. Always have, ever will.It is a...

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30 Days

They’ve given them 30 days which is not generally being reported…“The U.S. Treasury Department said U.S. banks must sever their correspondent banking ties - which allow banks to make payments between one another and move money around the globe - with Russia's largest lender, Sberbank (http://SBER.MM), and 25 of its subsidiaries within 30 days.”U.S. hits major Russian banks with sanctions over invasion of Ukraine— Reuters (@Reuters) February...

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