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Mike Norman Economics

Links — 15 Feb 2022 PM

Reminiscence of the FutureKremlin Is Trolling, Professionally"Messaging". Martyanov, former USSR naval officer and expert on Russian military and naval issuesThe Vineyard of the SakerTomorrow will be a big day (even if nothing happens!) I did not know this is for...

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Russia rally!

Russia pulls troops back, market up big. However, don't expect the Biden Administration to relax attempts to get a war going. Market perspective.

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Links — 15 Feb 2022 AM

Asia TimesIs the Ukraine ‘crisis’ just another US charade?Jack F Matlock Jr., former US ambassador to the USSR article was produced by Globetrotter in partnership with the American Committee for US-Russia Accord (ACURA). It was provided to Asia Times by Globetrotter.)Moon of Alabama (hybrid warfare integrated with politics)The Big White House Plans Behind Its 'Russian Invasion'...

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Frazier Chorus

A 1980s English Pop Band From Brighton. I played this to my girlfriend the other day and I thought she would like it, as I love it, but she she was totally unimpressed. Elevator music, she called it. So I tried some more tracks from them, but it still fell on dead ears. Then it was my turn to listen to some of her music, and crikey, that was hard, modern R&B, funk! That's really not my thing. I only like eccentric pop. When I was a teen all my friends got into each others music, but as...

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Nicolas Gisin on Free Will, Time NOT Being an Illusion, Superdeterminism, and Quantum Gravity

Many scientists say there is only one universe and that all the others were just mathematical probabilities. Now we have to ask how is it that the universe is so fine tuned for life? It could be that all the others remained probabilities because they were unable to exist. This one works. Noam Chomsky says that we probably don't have the cognitive capacity to figure out whether we have free will, or not.Nicolas Gisin on Free Will, Time NOT Being an Illusion, Superdeterminism, and Quantum...

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Rebel Bill Accoun Suspended

 Rebel Bill's Twitter account got suspended. I don't know why, but I managed to get this.@Rebel_Bill Many thanks to American airborne troops for their bold courage, foresight and wisdom. Russia has only one enemy : the devil 'In the form of neo-Nazism in Ukraine, in the form of Islamic terrorism, in the form of the NWO of Washington's deep state and EU'. God bless

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Climate Scientists Feel Your Pain, Dr. Fauci | Opinion, by MICHAEL E. MANN

It's not just the right that attack Fauci, but some of the radical left too, especially Jimmy Dore. It's gets him loads of viewers, apparently, and makes him lots of money. We see other remarkable parallels between the right-wing coronavirus and climate change disinformation campaigns. Mirroring the "climategate" smear campaign of 2010, wherein fossil fuel interests and their abettors sought to discredit climate scientists by misrepresenting their words and phrases from stolen emails, the...

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U.S. needs Ukraine crisis to harm European economy, and legitimize its military presence — Yang Sheng and Xu Keyue

US and Australia ask China to intervene with Russia. Here is the English-language summary of the Chinese response.On Sunday, Australia followed the US to urge China to help them push Russia, with Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison calling on China to not remain "chillingly silent" on the crisis. On Thursday, US Ambassador to the UN Linda Thomas-Greenfield said "We would hope that the Chinese would play a role in encouraging the Russians to do the right thing."Chinese analysts said the...

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Bill Mitchell — Key economic policy organisations still claim that public spending undermines private spending

It is hard to imagine that so little progress has been made in dismantling the mainstream macroeconomics paradigm over the last decade within the institutions of government. We have had the GFC, and now, the pandemic to disclose what does and does not happen when governments engage in relatively large fiscal shifts, yet the fictional world that is taught in mainstream university programs and echoed in policy making circles keeps being rehearsed. While researching the literature on rates of...

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