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Mike Norman Economics

Links — 11 Feb 2022 AM

Yves EnglerCanadian interference in Ukrainian affairs reaches epic proportions - Yves Engler (Ukraine needs to explain why it has 150,000 troops at the line of contact in Donbass)Ukraine asks Russia to give explanations within 48 hours on ‘military activity’ on border sending S-300 battalion to Donbass to gear up for offensive, says DPR...

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What Would Modern Monetary Theory Do About Inflation? — Clive Crook

On balance positive, but Clive Crook is apparently unaware of the deeper MMT analysis of inflation control. Hint: it is not just raising taxes, as many presume from MMT 101. But the confusion indicates more work needed on educating both professionals and the public on MMT's stance on inflation and how it applies to the current situation. Stephanie Kelton has the megaphone so it is probably chiefly up to her.Anyway, worth reading. being an op-ed, it's pretty short.Bloomberg OpinionWhat Would...

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Links — 10 Feb 2022 PM

Global Times (China accuses US of "instigating" war)Furthest from Ukraine frontline, Washington is most eager for war: Global Times editorial Review (longish and detailed - science versus politics and propaganda)Meet the scientist at the center of the covid lab leak controversyJane Qiu (Germany shutters its nuclear power stations, France...

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How insects become airborne, slowed down to a speed the human eye can appreciate

It's rather spooky! Whether you have an abiding interest in insect biology, or simply enjoy watching events that happen very, very quickly played back very, very slowly (and who doesn’t?), this short video from the Evolutionary Biology and Behavior Research Lab at the North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences and North Carolina State University is a dazzlingly wild ride. Guided by the biologist Adrian Smith, who heads the lab, the film captures a series of 11 different winged insects –...

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Links — 10 Feb 2022 AM

RT (US boxed in, in large part by domestic politics that obstructs dealing with reality.)Biden’s got just three options left on Ukraine, and none that’s palatable for him Beinart NotebookBiden’s CIA Director Doesn’t Believe Biden’s Story about UkrainePeter Beinart of the FuturePepe Brutalizes (Justly) Macron.Andrei Martyanov, former USSR naval...

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Bill Mitchell — Covid-specific inflationary pressures are dominant and are transitory

There has been some very interesting data and other research published recently that allow us to more fully understand what is driving the current inflationary pressures. There is a massive lobby now pushing the idea that the central bank bond-buying programs and the rising fiscal support during the pandemic are responsible. This sort of narrative is coming from the mainstream economists who are suffering attention-deficit disorders (even though they get the top platforms all the time to...

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Ask Prof Wolff: The Tragedy of Ex-Socialist Nations

Why did the ex socialist European countries impose a very harsh capitalist system on themselves. Neoliberalism created winners and losers by about 50:50 in those countries, says Richard Wolff, but the winners took power and now they will not allow any socialism at all. Often, a very high percentage people in ex socialist countries want to return to the old system. A Patron of Economic Update asks: "How did the people of the USSR come to accept the radical shift back to capitalism? Did they...

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