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Mike Norman Economics

Links — 28 Jan 2022 AM

Naked CapitalismNavigating Russia/Ukraine Warmongering DisinformationYves Smith of AlabamaWhy Washington Will Soon Dump Ukraine's President Zelensky Sputnik InternationalChina Welcomes Upcoming UN Rights Chief's Visit to Xinjiang...

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Why Repressive Qatar Broadcasts Progressive TV

Al Jazeera is very liberal and progressive, while Qatar, its owner, is very repressive and conservative. But Al Jazeera's purpose is to paint a positive image for Qatar all around the world. Al Jazeera promotes democracy and civil rights in other countries, while Qatar itself is very repressive at home. Al Jazeera is still a bit of a mystery. [embedded content]

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Why have the US and the UK chosen to whip up a massive campaign against a possible Russian invasion of Ukraine, that makes no sense in mid-winter against a well-equipped and fiercely patriotic Ukraine?My brother texted me in anger, saying about how Putin was going to invade Europe. Now, I do keep my brother informed about things, so can you imagine what most other people in Britain are thinking. It is even being said that Putin may invade Sweden. The Media have managed to paint Putin as a Dr...

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Oilprice on energy

OilpriceU.S. Natural Gas Prices Climb Most Ever In Single DayJulianne Geiger Admits Finding Non-Russian Gas For Europe Is A ChallengeTsvetana Paraskova Ukraine Conflict Could Double EU Natural Gas...

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Get ready for deflation.

Biggest business inventory increase in history in Q4 just as fiscal is pulling the rug out from under the economy. And OPEC+ is about to raise output. Recipe for broadly falling prices. (Oh yeah, and Fed raising rates.)

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KV – Part of my cycle ride

These are part of my cycle ride which were taken last year. I put them through twitter first to compress them, so I hope they look okay on a tablet, or a PC. Twitter compresses videoes quite a bit. I use my phone to take the videos, so I have to cycle with one hand on the handlebars, while the other holds the phone. It can feel tricky at times. [embedded content][embedded content][embedded content][embedded content]

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AJ+ – How The Threat Of China Was Made In The USA

Bad, bad, China! It's pounded into us everyday. AJ+ are going to do a series about China. China is bad. At least, that's what even a glance of U.S. reporting on China tells us. It’s a way of reporting that follows a long history of constructing the Chinese — in news, popular culture and the halls of DC — as a threat. In the first episode of Backspace, a new media critique series from AJ+, Sana Saeed explores what China and the Chinese have looked like in the American imagination, how that...

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Moon of Alabama — ICAO Report – Ryanair Plane That Landed in Minsk Was NOT Forced Down

This is a fairly complicated matter and "b" has followed it closely all long. He provides the latest analysis based on the recently released report. This may be more than you want to know about it. The takeaway is that the propaganda against Belarus is partially contradicted and the rest left unsubstantiated.Moon of AlabamaICAO Report - Ryanair Plane That Landed in Minsk Was NOT Forced Down

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Bill Mitchell — Natural climate solutions – code for financialisation of nature and profits for capital

I re-read a consulting report from May 2021 – Nature and Net Zero – which was commissioned by the World Economic Forum and prepared by a management consulting company. One of those consulting companies that exemplifies the neoliberal era where everything and anything is classified in terms of its financial value or corporate value and the company’s grand visions for nations amount to little more than transferring massive amounts of public money into their coffers for blueprints about...

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America’s Armed ‘Sentinel State’ Encirclement — Alastair Crooke

 The key to China’s security riposte to the U.S. is linked to two words that go unstated in U.S. formal policy documents, but whose silent presence nevertheless suffuses and colour-washes the text of the 2022 National Defence Authorisation Act.The term ‘containment’ never appears, neither does the word ‘encirclement’. Yet, as Professor Michael Klare writes, the Act “provides a detailed blueprint for surrounding China with a potentially suffocating network of U.S. bases, military forces, and...

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