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Mike Norman Economics

How Inequality Leads to Industrial Feudalism — Hanna Szymborska and Jan Toporowski

Same story stated a bit differently: Class structure (stratification) determines class power (social, political and economic), which determines distribution of assets and income.Rising asset prices generate a more unequal distribution of wealth by increasing the value of wealth that must be acquired to secure a position in the next wealth class. At the same time, the growing credit possibilities of rising asset values reinforce the floor preventing demotion into a lower social class. In...

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Steve Paikin – Is the U.S. on the Verge of Civil War? | The Agenda

It's hard to debate with a side which rejects mainstream science, from Covid through to climate change. The right-winger on this panel accuses the American elite of being leftwing. They discuss how secession may be an option, where the US breaks up into several countries.  "The United States is coming to an end," says Stephen Marche. In his new book, "The Next Civil War," the Canadian author insists rising inequality, racial conflict, environmental destruction, and a lack of unified national...

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Boris Ex-Friend Says He Has No Morals & Exposes His ‘Biggest Weakness’

Sonia Purnell has known Boris Johnson for over 30 years and she also worked with him at the Telegraph. She says that the more you get to know him, the more you get to dislike him. Despite his bubbly persona, he can get very angry, and some people are scared of him, because they fear what he might do. Sonia Purnell says that he's totally unfit for office.Before I met my girlfriend she was a floating voter, although a slightly left leaning one. I've educated her quite a bit, but I was...

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Links — 24 Jan 2022 AM

One World (big picture analysis. US foreign policy "experts" and military "experts" that are publishing are completely clueless about the big picture and as a result are completely lost in their heads. )What Are The US Deep State’s Grand Strategic Calculations Vis-à-Vis Russia & China?Andrew Korybko BearAdvocate of Book Burning Becomes Chairman of Virginia School BoardDan...

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Turkey Hit By Unprecedented Power Outages As Iran Halts Gas Flows — Tsvetana Parasko

A disruption to natural gas imports from Iran has caused an unprecedented level of power cuts in Turkey.The power cuts have largely impacted major industrial zones, with some companies forced to halt production as a result.Iran claims that its natural gas flows have been restored but Turkey has said its supplies and gas pressure remain very low.... OilpriceTurkey Hit By Unprecedented Power Outages As Iran Halts Gas FlowsTsvetana...

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Links — 23 Jan 2022 AM

India PunchlineUkraine: Russian intervention highly likelyM. K. Bhadrakumar | retired diplomat with the Indian Foreign Service (Chilling)My Last Post On Ukraine And National Security Issues By WalrusDances with BearsCONTENT ANALYSIS OF SECRETARY BLINKEN AT GENEVA REVEALS PSYCHOPATHOLICAL INCAPACITY TO NEGOTIATE WITH RUSSIAJohn...

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A Twitter thread about the Uyghurs

 This twitter thread could be close to the truth about what happened in China with the Uyghurs, but I can't validate it. The truth would seem to be somewhere in the middle. China had a massive problem with terrorism, which had taken the lives of 11,000 people and injured many more. Militant Jihadists were coming back from the war in Syria all fired up with Jihadism, wanting to spread militant Jihadism throughout China. They wanted to separate Xinjiang from the rest of China and create a...

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Bill Mitchell — Euro area inflation is not accelerating out of control

Last week (January 20, 2022), Eurostat released the latest inflation data – Annual inflation up to 5.0% in the euro area – which followed the release from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics data (January 12, 2022) – Consumer Price Index Summary , the latter, which shocked people, given that it recorded an annual inflation rate of 7 per cent before seasonal adjustment. The Euro area inflation rate over the same period was published as 5 per cent. It is obviously hard to see clearly through the...

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Links — 23 Jan 2022 PM

Irrussianality (Brit intel disinformation)Reporting on Russia – A Case of Rigid OrthodoxyPaul Robinson | Professor, Graduate School of Public and International Affairs at the University of Ottawa (US intel disinformation, this time corrected by the CIA)Secret of ‘microwave weapons’ targeting US diplomats revealedPaul Robinson | Professor, Graduate School of Public and International Affairs at the...

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