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Mike Norman Economics

Breakeven Inflation Forecast Accuracy — Brian Romanchuk

I received a comment from a reader of my blog (“Lawrence”) that pointed out an article by Jonathan D. Church of the Bureau of Labor Statistics that discussed breakeven inflation implied forecast accuracy (link). The idea is that we want to compare inflation breakeven rates to what inflation is realised over the life of the bond (what the breakeven inflation rate is the expected value of).I discussed this topic in greater length in Section 3.5 of my book Breakeven Inflation Analysis. The...

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Michal Kalecki and the Politics of Full Employment — Jan Toporowski

Polish economist Michal Kalecki is often linked with the “Keynesian revolution,” but Kalecki’s view of capitalism was much more radical than Keynes’s. His ideas are a vital tool for understanding how the system works, and how it might be overcome.…Good read.JacobinMichal Kalecki and the Politics of Full EmploymentJan Toporowski | professor of economics and finance at SOAS, University of London

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Links — 18 Jan 2022 AM

Bracing Views (follow the money)Stop the MADnessW. J. Astore, Lieutenant Colonel (USAF ret.), taught at the Air Force Academy, the Naval Postgraduate School, and currently at the Pennsylvania College of Technology ReviewWashington Refuses To Hear Russia And China – OrientalReview.orgThierry Messan OnlineThe West and the Ukraine Crisis: It’s...

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Bill Mitchell — The European conservatives are organising while the progressives fight among themselves

I read an article in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ) yesterday (January 16, 2022) – Ich hoffe auf Deutschland – which made me laugh really. Comedy in absurdity. It also told me that the forces in Europe are firmly against any major progressive change. I considered this issue last week in this blog post – German threats of exit rely on the ignorance of others reinforced by Europhile progressives (January 11, 2022). I know progressives thought that the invocation of the Stability and...

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