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Mike Norman Economics

COP26: Military pollution is the skeleton in the West’s climate closet — Jonathan Cook

Why the climate crisis will not be solved.MR OnlineCOP26: Military pollution is the skeleton in the West’s climate closetJonathan CookOriginally published: Middle East Eye alsoPopular ResistanceCOP26: How The World’s Militaries Hide Their Huge Carbon EmissionsChristopher JohnsonOriginally at The...

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The Resistible Rise of US-China Conflict — Dani Rodrik

Dani Rodrik talks some sense, both economic and practical. This post reveals the dichotomy between geoeconomic interests and geopolitical interests. The geopolitical view is that it's a zero-sum winner-takes-all game. The geoeconomic view is that conflict is destructive while world trade is beneficial. US business is backing the latter view. The MICIMATT (Military-Industrial-Congressional-Intelligence-Media-Academia-Think-Tank complex) is heavily committed to the geopolitical view. This has...

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Explaining China’s economic miracle — Rainer Zitelmann

About Weiying Zhang, China's "chief economist," Xi Jinping close advisor, and architect of China's development plan. Important for understanding China's blazing rate of progress while simultaneously eliminating absolute poverty and growing the middle class. It is based chiefly on privatization but together with a managed economy.Institute of Economic Affairs BlogExplaining China’s economic miracleRainer Zitelmann, German historian and...

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General Electric Breaks Up, Symbolizing Decline of American Manufacturing and the High Price of Financialization | naked capitalism — Yves Smith

 End of an era.In other words, the lameness of Immelt is the direct result of Welch’s show pony “leadership”. Management succession is one of the most important duties of a CEO and Welch blew that too....Naked CapitalismGeneral Electric Breaks Up, Symbolizing Decline of American Manufacturing and the High Price of Financialization | naked capitalismYves...

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Secret real estate purchases are a driving force behind the offshore economy — Margot Gibbs and Agustin Armendariz

No longer content with Miami condos and London townhouses, investors are pouring money into properties in all corners of the world, fueling inequality and driving up prices, Pandora Papers investigation reveals.…The has a precedent in the earlier Gilded Age and the time of great industrial entrepreneurs when the great fortunes that founded American oligarchic dynasties bought up choice RE around the world, even Africa. ICIJSecret real estate purchases are a driving force behind the offshore...

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Bill Mitchell — The financial markets should be kept away from the climate crisis solution

It’s Wednesday and today, apart from presenting some great music, I am commenting on the ridiculous notion, that even progressive greenies propagate that we need to harness the financial resources of the markets (Wall street types) to help governments decarbonise their societies. The narrative that has emerged – that the financial CEOs with “trillions in assets” (all at COP26 because they could smell lucre) are a key to solving the climate challenge – is as ridiculous as progressives saying...

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Pressure Mounts On Biden To Tap U.S. Oil Reserves — Tom Kool

The president's team doesn't seem to realize yet that the Strategic Petroleum Reserve is a buffer stock, especially when dealing with a cartel, or else they don't know what a buffer stock is. Or they are so market oriented, it isn't on their radar. But why pretend there is a free market when there is a cartel and Saudi Arabia is the swing producer.OilpricePressure Mounts On Biden To Tap U.S. Oil ReservesTom...

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How the U.S. Lost the “Great Game” in Central Asia — Aidan O’Brien

Backgrounder.At the end of his 1997 book The Grand Chessboard, Zbigniew Brzezinski concludes: America must “maneuver and [manipulate] in order to prevent the emergence of a hostile coalition [in Eurasia]…. The most immediate task is to make certain that no … combination of states gains the capacity to expel the United States from Eurasia.”Today, almost 25 years after Brzezinski published these words, we can conclude that his worst fears have come true: A Eurasian coalition, a Eurasian...

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