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Mike Norman Economics

Fiscal stimulus a disincentive to work?

Some of this may be going on, but the problem goes back over 40 years. Trade and invest using the concepts of MMT. Get a 30-day free trial to MMT Trader. Download my podcasts! New one every week. Mike Norman Twitter

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Chris Kanthan: China, China, Chyyna!: Greatest Disruption to American Century

The book has six long chapters debunking the Uyghur/ Xinjiang myth. Why 100,000+ words in this book to talk about China? First, we are living through a historic geopolitical disruption that happens once every century or so — a rising power is poised to surpass an established hegemon as the largest economy in the world. Mainstream media and experts are living in denial, but China’s GDP will be #1 within five years. Second, the inexorable rise of China and a multipolar world will have profound...

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 BRI opening up Central Asia through mountains and deserts with Chinese engineering.ECNSXinjiang's Alataw Pass sees robust rise in China-Europe freight train tripsXinjiang's Alataw Pass sees robust rise in China-Europe freight train tripsAerial view of Guozigou Bridge in NW China's XinjiangVideo of highway across sand desert in Xinjiang[embedded content]

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Space Colonization Is A Capitalist Perception Management Op — Caitlin Johnstone

Space colonization is largely a capitalist perception management op promoted by the likes of Musk and Bezos to strengthen the narrative that it’s okay to continue the world-raping global capitalist principle of infinite growth on a finite world because we can escape the catastrophic ecological consequences of that paradigm by fleeing to space.“Ecocidal capitalism is fine, we’ll just go to space before it kills us!” is the message we’re all meant to absorb. And too many do. A large obstacle...

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Adam Smith On The Source Of Profits And Rents In The Exploitation Of The Worker — Robert Vienneau

Adam Smith's labor theory of value in a nutshell. Short.Why is is this significant now? Because rising income and wealth inequality are breathing life into defunct economists that dealt with these issues.Economic rent was front and center in classical economics and, of course, Marx. It was treated by Veblen also, who can be viewed as the forerunner of what came to be institutional economics. Economic rent is explained away in neoclassical economics (marginalism) based on marginal...

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Fed warns of risk of asset price drop

When the price monopolist (MMT 101)  has prepared its system to withstand a 55% price reduction it increases the likelihood of it happening...▪ FED WARNS OVER RISK OF ASSET PRICE DROPU.S. Federal Reserve warns over risk of "significant declines" in asset prices as valuations climb#US #asset_price #Economy— Arirang News (@arirangtvnews) May 7, 2021

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2 states end unemployment benefits

Dominoes falling... Chamber of Commerce POV winning.... BREAKING: South Carolina and Montana to end all pandemic unemployment benefits for jobless residents ?— Robert Cooper ? (@RobertCooper58) May 7, 2021 And no more stimmy until probably October:Treasury's extraordinary measures to extend the debt limit will run until around Oct. 1, per estimates from @BPC_Bipartisan— Saleha Mohsin (@SalehaMohsin) May 6, 2021 We’re on our own for a while.......

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Guuuunnnnddddlaaaaccchhhhh!! (Again!!)

Hey, Jeff...there's no such thing as "unfunded liabilities." Trade and invest using the concepts of MMT. Get a 30-day free trial to MMT Trader. Download my podcasts! New one every week. Mike Norman Twitter

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The U.S.-China Confrontation: “We Need To Avoid Stumbling into a Major War” — Bernhard Zang interviews Admiral James Stavridis

[Four star] Admiral James Stavridis has commanded U.S. warships in the South China Sea. In his new novel, he writes about a war between China and America – a scenario he considers to be extremely realistic.…Sounds like an intriguing novel by a guy who knows whereof he writes. He says it's aim in anti-war.  This is not a situation for sleepwalking or bluff. Accidents happen and commitments can backfire.Graham Allison [author of "Destined for War: Can America and China Escape Thucydides's...

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