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Mike Norman Economics

Buffett talks Fed. He’s wrong.

Pretty incredible the tunnel vision view focused on the Fed by financial professionals when it's all about fiscal. Trade and invest using the concepts of MMT. Get a 30-day free trial to MMT Trader. Download my podcasts! New one every week. Mike Norman Twitter

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Sputnik — Trump’s Success May Inspire More Celebrities to Run For Office, Report Says

Celebrity culture and cult of the personality.No, Ronald Reagan doesn't count. He had experience as the governor of California, the most populous state in the US.Same with past presidents that were generals. They all had top management experience in a large federal government organization, militaries being government organizations, after all.Sputnik InternationalVIPs in the White House: Trump’s Success May Inspire More Celebrities to Run For Office, Report Says

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Modern Monetary Theory For Conservatives — Jonathan Culbreath

Good article.The American ConservativeModern Monetary Theory For ConservativesJonathan CulbreathSee alsoAbout what one would expect.Culbreath, like most “mainstream” economists, misidentifies inflation as a "rise in the price levels." But rising price levels are an effect, not a cause, of inflation. Inflation is the very act of money creation by a central bank.Same old, same old. End the Fed. Contrary to proponents of MMT, inflation’s pernicious effects are not limited to times of “full...

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West turns a blind eye to march honoring WW2 Nazi ‘SS’ in Kiev: Ukraine may not be a fascist state, but it has a fascism problem — Paul Robinson

Wednesday’s march in memory of the 14th SS Division ‘Galicia’ in downtown Kiev demonstrated not so much that Ukraine is a fascist state as that its leaders are guilty of turning a blind eye to the far right and of exploiting it.The problem is that the Right Sector (Pravi Sektor), a Ukrainian ultra-right (neo-Nazi) political party and armed militia, is a dominant force in Ukrainian politics, operating on the threat of violence and use of violence. This is not widely acknowledged in the West....

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Wealth inequality — Michael Roberts

 Wealth inequality, real and financial, dwarfs income inequality.But as I have argued before, real wealth concentration is about the ownership of productive capital, the means of production and finance. It’s big capital (finance and business) that controls the investment, employment and financial decisions of the world. A dominant core of 147 firms through interlocking stakes in others together control 40% of the wealth in the global network according to the Swiss Institute of Technology. A...

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India’s New Vaccine Strategy Is Bad Economics

 Putting a price on shots could lead to unjust, lopsided distribution. The cost to the consumer should be zero.Compare China to India on both the economy and covid.Expanding the campaign to all adults below 45 starting next month is a late but welcome move. India’s daily infection rate of almost 350,000 is the worst any country has experienced. Even then, shifting a big part of the financial burden to 28 state governments and letting private hospitals buy shots at 600 to 1200 rupees ($8 to...

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Asa Winstanley – How Israel helped bring down Jeremy Corbyn

I have spent a lot of time debating with conspiracists on twiiter. They make my blood boil: the anti-vaxxers, climate change deniers, big government conspiracists, the covid is a hoax crowd, and many others. Professor Richard Werner believes in Chemtrails. They say I'm a brainwashed corporate neoliberal. None of these people seem to have any real interest in the genuine hoaxes and conspiracies, like Russiagate, Antisemiticism in the Labour Party, the Uyghur genocide myth. I find it shocking...

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All is NOT quite on the Western front

Zero Hedge "The Social Contract Is Broken": Why Millennials Who Lack Rich Parents Feel Increasingly HopelessSee alsoRTMore than half of French people support generals’ warning that France is 'DISINTEGRATING,' hurtling toward civil war, poll showsSee also Craig Murray BlogHuman Rights Watch Confirms Israel Is an Apartheid StateCraig Murray, formerly British ambassador to Uzbekistan and Rector of the University of DundeeSee alsoSputnik InternationalIsrael Troubled by Rally of Ukrainian...

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