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Mike Norman Economics

Banks’ SLR exemption expires tomorrow. Crash coming?

Everyone's been warning about this for months. Should we be worried? Trade and invest using the concepts of MMT. Get a 30-day free trial to MMT Trader. Download my podcasts! New one every week. Mike Norman Twitter

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Sputnik — ‘Infinite Game’: US Army White Paper Reveals Plans for New Field of ‘Narrative Competition’

The US State Department last year unveiled a multi-decade plan for a struggle against China at home and abroad similar to the US approach to the Soviet Union at the start of the Cold War. Other declassified documents have shown that while they publicly deny it, in private, US officials see it as another struggle between capitalism and socialism.In great power competition with Russia and China, the US Army is going to be asked to pull a larger weight than in past conflicts. According to a new...

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The trillion-dollar woman — Anand Giridharadas

Stephanie Kelton getting more press as the game-changer.At its core, MMT is about replacing the (flawed) concept of a government budget constraint with a natural resource (inflation) constraint. It’s not that there aren’t any limits. There are! But they’re not on the financing side (as we have been trained to believe). Our government cannot run “out of money,” as President Obama once falsely claimed. We cannot end up like Greece, and, contra these economists, we were never facing a fiscal...

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Americans… ‘Know Your Enemy’ — Eamon McKinney,

 Important backgrounder by a Chinese-speaking American executive in China. The enemy is not China. Thinking that China is the enemy benefits only the Western elite and not the people of either West or East. It's long past time to see through the false narrative. Eamon McKinney explains why. It's short and to the point.Strategic Culture FoundationAmericans… ‘Know Your Enemy’Dr. Eamon McKinney, an eminent Sinologist with more than 40 years’ involvement in China foreign business. He is C.E.O....

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My Understanding Of Marx Part Three – Robert Paul Wolff

Part Three: Classical Political EconomyMarx and Engels had a little private joke that they would use in their lengthy correspondence to one another. They would say: we got our philosophy from the Germans, our politics from the French, and our economics from the English. Marx began his revolutionary investigation of the nature of capitalism by studying everything he could lay his hands on in the new field of Political Economy. Before we can open to page one of Capital, therefore, we must...

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The China-Iran pact is a game changer — Part I M. K. Bhadrakumar

 BRI and decolonization are in full swing lead by the dragon as it spreads its wings and lifts off. The colonizers are furious as they arm up to preserve position, especially the eagle and the bulldog (although Brits prefer the lion as their national symbol). But the reality is that only the dragon and eagle are contenders in this game, albeit the eagle has a poodle corps while the dragon is accompanied by the bear. Now the dragon has added the griffin (huma).India PunchlineThe China-Iran...

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Inflation: Who Matters? — Peter Radford

Apparently Wall Street bonuses have risen 1,217% since 1985. Quite what the significance of 1985 is I cannot tell, but the number itself seems to have the right feel. Having seen a few of those years first hand I can attest to the pace of increase from an anecdotal perspective.More importantly, if we applied the same rate of increase to the minimum wage over a similar period it would stand at $44 per hour and not the current rather pathetic $7.25.…For conventional economists, the only actual...

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BBC’s report “Uyghur labor” Exposed | How msm brainwashes | China poverty alleviation called “evil”

 See BBC propaganda at work, how it's done. The BBC recently used a Chinese news clip regarding mainland China's intensive poverty alleviation campaign which assisted many poor Chinese in finding work not available in remote villages. The BBC edited the Chinese clip to paint the whole initiative as a "evil genocidal scheme". Compare both news clips in this video![embedded content]

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I vote, I am unemployed and I live in your electorate — Scott Baum

Today, we have a guest blogger in the guise of Professor Scott Baum from Griffith University who has been one of my regular research colleagues over a long period of time. Today he is writing about the uneven impact of the government’s withdrawal of its COVID economic support packages aka JobSeeker and JobKeeper. Keeping with some of his earlier blog posts here, Scott takes a spatial angle and considers what might be some of the implications when exposure to the impacts of the government’s...

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