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Mike Norman Economics

Monetary policy is ultimately based on a theory of money: A Marxist critique of MMT — Costas Lapavitsas and Nicolás Aguila

During the last two decades, Modern Monetary Theory (henceforth MMT) has won wide academic recognition and public influence. Its most prominent achievements include shifting the public debate on the conduct of economic policy and reviving interest in the theory of money. The former tends to attract most of the attention of both advocates and critics of MMT, but this is unjustified. MMT policy conclusions result from its underlying understanding of money, as some of the more illuminating MMT...

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Comments On Tavlas’ MMT Critique — Brian Romanchuk

Having finished off the publishing tasks on "Modern Monetary Theory and the Recovery," I am now turning to some MMT critiques that popped up too late for inclusion in the book. The first is by George S. Tavlas, the Alternate to the Governor of the Bank of Greece on the European Central Bank’s Governing Council, which is titled "Modern Monetary Theory Meets Greece and Chicago." It contains a broad overview critique of MMT, which overlaps discussions found within my book. Of more interest was...

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Oil market just flashed "no inflation."

The oil curve just flipped back into contango. That's not an inflationary sign. Trade and invest using the concepts of MMT. Get a 30-day free trial to MMT Trader. Download my podcasts! New one every week. Mike Norman Twitter

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Biden’s China Policy: A More Polite Trump – Amb. Chas Freeman

An in depth look at the China / America situation by the moderate, Chas Freeman. He says that the American establishment want China to completely adopt the American political and economic system, and won't stop hostilities towards China until the Chinese stop being Chinese. Retired Ambassador Chas Freeman, Nixon's translator during his 1972 trip to China, says U.S. policy to China remains a desire to hold on to primacy globally and regionally. Biden's approach so far is not much different...

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Renegade Inc – The Amazon Chernobyl

 This video is pretty damning. Shevron, it seems, is run by gangsters. Chevron's lawyers managed to get the lawyer who was suing them put in prison for 18 months on fake charges that were dismissed by 18 other judges in Canada and Ecuador. Chevron pay their witness a good wage, pay all his taxes, and have given him a nice car and place to live. The disaster has been dubbed the Amazon Chernobyl. Between 1964 and 1992, the oil company Texaco, later acquired by Chevron in 2001, was allegedly...

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Leverage ratio worries may be overblown.

Data suggests banks are not wholesale dumping Treasuries, but small speculators are short $20 bln notional of 10-year notes. Trade and invest using the concepts of MMT. Get a 30-day free trial to MMT Trader. Download my podcasts! New one every week. Mike Norman Twitter

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Bay Area – American DEBUNKS All Major Western Propaganda on Uyghurs and Xinjiang!

This guy is anonymous because he's an attorney and he says he does not want to lose his job, or get assaulted in the street for his views. It's an excellent video debunking the Western propaganda about the Uyghurs. We have done it… We have broken down each bit of major Western propaganda on the Uyghur and Xinjiang situation in order to debunk the lies and reveal the truth. For over an hour, Bay takes on a series of propaganda ranging from Adrian Zenz to inconsistent witness testimony to...

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On Nonduality, Politics, And Freedom — Caitlin Johnstone

A lucid perception of reality reveals that our entire experience of what we call the world is inseparable from the awareness in which it appears, and that this awareness is boundless, timeless, and head-over-heels in love with all that is. There is no possible experience of the universe which is not painted upon the canvass of infinite loving awareness, with paint that is made of that same awareness, by a painter who is that same awareness....This is a clear statement of perennial wisdom,...

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