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Mike Norman Economics

Defend Democracy Press — US Sanctions Russian Defence Ministry Research Institute That Worked on COVID-19 Vaccine

The US has gone as far as to claim that the listed institutions are working on chemical and biological weapons.… Russian Health Minister Mikhail Murashko stated that all the foreign criticism was provoked by the fear of fair competition and slammed the accusations as unfounded.  National security or anti-competitive? Defend Democracy PressUS Sanctions Russian Defence Ministry Research Institute That Worked on COVID-19 VaccineSee alsoSputnik InternationalThree More COVID-19 Vaccines Being...

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Trespassing should certainly not be a criminal offence — Peter May

George Monbiot has been writing in a similar vein: The Book of Trespass, by Nick Hayes, is massively researched but lightly delivered, a remarkable and truly radical work, loaded with resonant truths and stunningly illustrated by the author. It shows how the great estates, from which we are excluded, were created by a combination of theft from the people of Britain (the enclosure of our commons) and theft from the people of other nations, as profits from the slave trade, colonial looting...

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The Triumph of Monopoly Capitalism is Hurting American Workers’ Life Expectancy — John Buell

Miller concludes, “The best way to get astronomically rich in America is to acquire monopoly power to extract wealth from workers, consumers, entrepreneurs, small businesses, and, through tax breaks, subsidies, and contracts, our government itself. Monopolies are powerful generators of the inequality that progressives decry.” The chief weakness of capitalism under bourgeois liberalism is government capture, e. g., through legalized bribery (lobbying and campaign finance) and the revolving...

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Who pays the lowest taxes in the US?

When you look at all the different taxes, the combined effect results in the US almost having a flat tax overall, with the super rich paying the smallest percentage of tax to income.There's a common myth about who pays their fair share, and who doesn't. Subscribe to our channel! You might have heard that the poor in America barely pay any taxes. And if you look at a chart of how much every American pays in income taxes, that seems basically true. But income taxes are...

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A Mathematical Model Of Modern Monetary Operations – 2: Simulating MMT — Steve Keen

The previous post finished with the observation that, since the sum of all Equity is zero, and the banking sector must be in positive equity, part of the remainder of the economy - the government, or the non-bank public - must be in negative equity. So which sector is better equipped to handle that: the non-bank public, or the government?… In the next post, I'll consider what the impact is of different fiscal regimes: the government running a deficit (as the USA has for most of the last...

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Combating the market power of U.S. corporations over workers and consumers — Equitable Growth

Recent economic research establishes that the United States suffers from a growing market power problem. Market power, often referred to as monopoly power, means consumers pay more for the goods and services they need. Workers earn less. Small businesses have a harder time succeeding. Innovation slows. Market power exacerbates wealth inequality, too, because those who benefit from monopolies—the high-paid executives and stockholders of corporations—are wealthier, on average, than the...

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