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Mike Norman Economics

COVID-19: Time to Cancel Foreign Debt is Overdue — Vijay Prashad

Statement signed byDilma Rousseff (former President of Brazil). T. M. Thomas Isaac (Finance Minister, Kerala, India). Yanis Varoufakis (former Finance Minister, Greece). Jorge Arreaza (Foreign Minister, Venezuela). Fred M’membe (President, Socialist Party, Zambia). Juan Grabois (Frente Patria Grande, Argentina). Vijay Prashad (Tricontinental: Institute for Social Research)Consortium NewsCOVID-19: Time to Cancel Foreign Debt is OverdueVijay Prashad, Tricontinental: Institute for Social...

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Where do profits come from? — Nathan Tankus

If you’re very interested in the topic of today’s article and want to know more, I highly recommend reading The Levy Institute’s publication “Where do Profits Come From?” I’ll be reposting a few of their great illustrations to make these accounting relations feel more real. If you are interested in this sort of analysis, consider subscribing to Nathan's substack. There is a free option and a paid premium option.Notes on the CrisisWhere do profits come from? Nathan TankusSee alsoNaked...

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“Neither Flynn Nor Stone Were Guilty—There Was No Russian Hack” Bill Binney Makes His Case

This is quite interesting, but mainly for Bill Binney. These people seem to be quite fond of Trump, who they see as anti-war, but fortunately, some guy comes on and warns them that Trunp is still an imperialist and part of the swamp.Bill Binney seems to think we have a chance of putting the people who tried to bring about a coup in America in prison, including members of the CIA.La Rouche give their side of the story, and say they were part of a CIA sting when they got done for embezzlement....

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CFR: Revisting the trouble in March

Figurative language ... OUT.... THE.... ASS... methinks this JPM guy is definitely 100% Liberal Arts trained ie unqualified....... but here is the money line:  When bank leverage is rising in this way, the most effective offset is shedding assets.  Squirrel gets a nut... And btw for MNE commie peanut gallery...  checkmate!  AGAIN! .... for like the 1005th time! Josh Younger's third (and final) post tries to draw lessons from the "basis" crisis of...

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Sleepwalking into depression: The economic response to COVID-19 in the United States — Jacob Robbins

 Sounding the alarm. Is anyone listening? A careful review of the data reveals gaping wounds caused by the coronavirus pandemic: large declines in market incomes, consumer spending, and employment, all barely propped up by the temporary government stimulus payments. To prevent economic collapse, it is urgent that policymakers take further action. Congress must continue to support unemployed workers’ incomes, send additional stimulus payments to families to keep them financially afloat and...

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KV – Google vs Ecosia: Privacy

Blair Fix said he was going to move over to Firefox because Google keeps too much track on you. The search engine, Ecosia, plants trees with the money it makes, and it seems so have a good privacy policy. I've had it in my phone for a while and it seems to be okay, so I'm going to try it on my PC now. I hope it's top notch at keeping out scams and Trojans, I'll have so do more research.EcosiaEcosia is a “privacy friendly” search engine. We take user privacy very seriously. By...

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Robert Atkinson – US needs to copy China tech strategy to remain top world economy

China is lapping the US when it comes to tech investment and is quickly positioning itself as the economy of the future. The US needs to seriously reconsider its investment strategy to fend off China. In order to do that, the public needs to know the value of tech investment and politicians must make investment a priority. If they don't, the US could fall way behind China. Business Insider  Robert Atkinson - US needs to copy China tech strategy to remain top world economy

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