China just reported 3.2% GDP growth in Q2. That number sounds about right to me. But I can’t help noticing that if China reported its GDP growth rates the way the US government does, it would have reported roughly 60% growth in Q2. At least I think it would have; see if you can follow my argument and correct any errors…. The Money IllusionDid China’s GDP growth 3.2% or 60%?Scott Sumner
Read More »Bill Mitchell — MMTed Q&A – Episode 7
Here is Episode 7 in our weekly MMTed Q&A series. This is the third- and final part of my discussion on the Job Guarantee with Dr Pavlina Tcherneva and in this episode we discuss the applicability of Job Guarantee to nations that have both fiscal and external deficits and are exposed to international currency markets. While such a nation faces somewhat different pressures from their external sector, the point remains that if they have their own currency, they can always ensure that all...
Read More »Tax collections are surging. This may kill the recovery.
Those deferred tax payments are now due and payable. Tax collections are surging, meaning income and savings being reduced. Trade and invest using the concepts of MMT. Get a 30-day free trial to MMT Trader. Download my podcasts! New one every week.
Read More »Minimum wage workers cannot afford rent in any U.S. state
Full-time minimum wage workers cannot afford a two-bedroom rental anywhere in the U.S. and cannot afford a one-bedroom rental in 95% of U.S. counties, according to the National Low Income Housing Coalition's annual "Out of Reach" report. In fact, the average minimum wage worker in the U.S. would need to work almost 97 hours per week to afford a fair market rate two-bedroom and 79 hours per week to afford a one-bedroom, NLIHC calculates. That's well over two full-time jobs just to be...
Read More »Neoliberalism – Look out for number one!
People who social distance may be more intelligent, study says
My girlfriend said to me this afternoon that her friend told her that the Tories were exaggerating Covid-19 to get everyone on welfare. Gee!A new study in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences indicates that people who comply with social distancing guidelines have better working memory capacity, which is an indicator of intelligence. People who social distance may be more intelligent, study says
Read More »US Media Failed to Factcheck Sweden’s Herd Immunity Hoax, by NEIL DEMAUSE
The conspiracists are saying that the government is exaggerating the Covid-19 epidemic to take away our freedoms, to tax us more, and to push Bill Gates's vaccines on us, and that the "controlled media" is in on the game, but is the opposite really the truth?If one major city can lay claim to having gotten the closest to herd immunity, it’s New York City, with nearly one in five residents testing positive for antibodies by the end of April, and more than two in five in some low-income...
Read More »Are you mad, bro? My new podcast episode is out and it’s my best rant yet.
Episode #7.
Read More »Clint Ballinger — Commodity exchange units-of-account almost certainly predate 3500 BC temple state-money. Neoclassical Econ is still nonsense.
Mainstream economists long ago accepted simplistic ideas of a market economy as a basis for analysis (with “money” merely a veil and thus safely ignored), making their entire opus largely useless. To avoid this error, better scholars highlight the profound social-organizing roles of currency systems: The tax/tax-credits system and the banking systems that build-out from it (the former organizes public goods, the latter, private production). For modern states these systems began to develop...
Read More »Global Times (PRC) — China to Sanction Lockheed Martin, Cut It Off From Its Rare Earths
Lockheed Martin is an arms producer focused on advanced weapons and equipment, and China does not have many direct business with the company, Wang Ya'nan, a Chinese aviation industry expert and chief editor of Aerospace Knowledge magazine, told the Global Times on Tuesday. However, it is possible that China will restrict the supply chain of Lockheed Martin, as the company would inevitably import raw materials including non-metals, metals and minerals including rare earths from China, via...
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