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Mike Norman Economics

Craig Roberts – Ignorance Is Brewing a Second Wave of Covid-19

Another good one from PCR.Those who are insisting that it is their right to go about as they please without a mask or any precaution are demonstrating their complete lack of social responsibility. Their behavior affects other people, and they most certainly have no more right to infect others than they do to go around with a gun shooting people. No one has a Constitutional right to infect other people. PCR Craig Roberts - Ignorance Is Brewing a Second Wave of Covid-19

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Paul Craig Roberts – Sweden Is Not the Model

PCR is taking a sensible position on Covid-19. Reprinted in full. There is a lot of conflicting information about Sweden.  Some claim that “open” Sweden has no higher infection and death rates than its neighbors, a claim contradicted by this report:  Others tauting the “open” Swedish model ignore that according to the Swedish Riksbank de facto the Swedish economy is closed. Sweden has experienced a sharper...

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The Unlimited Financial Capacity of Currency-Issuing Governments — Peter Cooper

Policy responses to the COVID-19 pandemic, much like policy responses to the global financial crisis and Great Recession of a decade ago, carry a couple of clear macroeconomic lessons for anyone who cares to learn them: 1. A currency-issuing government faces no revenue constraint.2. A currency-issuing government dictates the terms on which it issues debt. It is not only electorates that, understandably, have been slow to appreciate these aspects of reality. Plenty of economists, perhaps...

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Bill Mitchell — BVerfG decision once again exposes the sham of the Euro system

It is Wednesday and I have a lot of commitments and deadlines hanging over me today. But I thought I would briefly comment on the yesterday’s – Decision – by the Bundesverfassungsgericht (German Federal Constitutional Court) (May 5, 2020) on the legality of the ECB’s Public Sector Purchase Programme. The BVerfG concluded that the ECB has been operating ultra vires and made orders as appropriate, which bind the German government and the Bundesbank and demonstrate once again the myth of...

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PLANDEMIC, a film about the global plan to take control of our lives, liberty, h

What do you make of this video, which has been put out by the anti-vaxxer, Vennessa Beeley? It won't be up for long because YouTube keep removing it, apparently.I haven't researched it because it might take ages. The vaccine researcher in this video says that the corporations deliberately infected the world with Covid-19 to make billions out of a vaccine.Right, I've just done some quick research and Dr Judith Mikovits doesn't seem to be legit. Sorry about that, but I will leave the video up...

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Johan Giesecke – Does lockdown really decrease Covid deaths? The UK experience suggests not

It's looks like I'm a gonna, if everyone is going to catch it. It's interesting how some people don't even know they have it because they don't get any symptoms.It has become clear that a hard lockdown does not protect old and frail people living in care homes – a population the lockdown was designed to protect. Neither does it decrease mortality from Covid-19, which is evident when comparing the UK's experience with that of other European countries. PCR testing and some straightforward...

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London Real – War

I spent about a month arguing with the climate change deniers on twitter. Many were professional deniers who were extremely well versed in their arguments. I was lucky as I had a number of people on my side, including some climatologists. In that period, though, I learnt a lot about how the denier mind works.I follow a number of left-wingers on twitter who, like me, question 9/11, the Syrian war, Russiagate, the Skripal poisoning, etc, but when I found out that many these people were climate...

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China’s high-speed railway length to exceed 30,000 km this year

China intends to provide the best health care in the world at the lowest prices to its people. They don't have enough doctors so they are implementing AI. The US is slightly ahead in AI technology but China has more to reason to spend and implement it, which is concerning the US because China might soon lead in this new technology.They lead on High Speed Rail too. It looks superb! [embedded content]

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Bailout Watch

New feature for all you Johnny One Note lefty "bailout!" morons...Here looks like Gold's got their big "bailout!" here for you guys:Gold's Gym files for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection amid coronavirus closings via @usatoday— Paychecks & Balances (@PayBalances) May 6, 2020

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