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Mike Norman Economics

The Grayzone – Jeremy Corbyn faces Russiagate smear campaign before UK vote

This is excellent coverage from the Greyzone. The MI5, MI6, and CIA coup against Corbyn, and if he is elected, they will carry on trying to destabilise his government.The British establishment make their money out of continuous wars and weapons sales to places like Saudi Arabia. Just before British elections, the UK’s military-intelligence apparatus is smearing Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn with evidence-free Russiagate allegations. NATO-funded "researchers" are claiming that leaked documents...

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The “Fixing Capitalism” Headfake — Yves Smith

Must -read. This places economic power front and center and shows how without addressing social, political, and economic the result of captialism is neo-feudalism.Surprisingly, or may not so much, Yves Smith leaves out a major contribution of the universal employment guarantee by government, in which government guarantees to match a job with a person who is otherwise idle and wants to work. This removes the onerous aspect of capitalism that uses unemployment to discipline labor through the...

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On Gundlach’s Misrepresentation Of MMT — Brian Romanchuk

The only interesting thing is why Gundlach so badly misses the mark. Two possible explanations appear to be. He watched the wrong videos. The concepts of MMT were presently either incorrectly, or in a fashion that would be misunderstood by someone with a conventional mindset. It is part of a deliberate strategy to push MMT outside the acceptable bounds of discourse. (For example, it is a signal that nobody working for Gundlach should mention MMT in internal meetings.) Although that sounds...

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BBC: Howard Mustoe: Can governments ever run out of money?

In the UK and US, political parties are promising spending splurges to appease voters after a decade of squeezes. MMT is going mainstream. Whether it's more nurses, frozen tax promises, free broadband internet or more social housing in the UK; or tax cuts and green energy investments in America, public spending is set to surge. This sudden abandonment of fiscal rectitude comes amid the rise in prominence of a way of thinking about money, spending and the economy - Modern Monetary...

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Gundlach denounces MMT as pretzel logic on steroids

Gooooooooooooooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnddddddddddlllllllaaaaaaccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccchhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!Bond investor Gundlach denounces MMT as 'pretzel logic on steroids' by @JuliaLaRoche— Yahoo Finance (@YahooFinance) December 10, 2019 All these morons have is figurative language... its ALL they EVER have....

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MIKE MCRAE – Your Environment Could Be Changing Your IQ on a Genetic Level, Study Finds

By ensuring the lower and underclasss get a higher quality of life, people can become more productive, brighter, and happier, which can increase economic output, reduce crime, drink, drug abuse, and save society money in the long run.Poverty can set to a viscous circle which can run on for generations due to epigenetics, also known as gene expression.These two mice below are genetic clones, but the vitamins and food they were given was different. Our first few years of life play a crucial...

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Myriad of implications of acetyl-l-carnitine deficits in depression

Childhood stress or chronic childhood unhappiness can alter the gene expression resulting in chronic, severe, and treatment resistant forms of depression, as well as chronic mild depression, known as dythymia.People with this disorder cannot manufacture acetyl-l-carnitine properly, but amazingly, supplementing with Acetyl-l-carnitine not only relieves the depression (and often within days), it can also repair the faulty gene expression leading to a lasting cure.LAC - Acetyl-l-carnitine That...

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