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Mike Norman Economics

Jon Bailes – Neoliberalism Is Strange

It's a quite strange video, but I followed it okay at the beginning where Jon Bailes quotes from his book. In the rest he elaborates on his theories using the game, Life is Strange, but I had to slow it down to 0.75 to be able to follow it.What interested me is how Jon says we feel that we must maximise everything we do in our lives. Not only at work do we feel we need to achieve as much as we can, but also in our home life too: quality time with the kids; engaging in hobbies or sports;...

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Vladimir Putin ‘still uses obsolete Windows XP’ despite Microsoft no longer releasing updates for it since 2014

I used to think XP was quite good. Us older ones sometimes have trouble getting to grips with the newer technology. Official Kremlin photos showed Putin sitting by a desktop at Moscow residence.  The screen's blue taskbar suggested that Putin is still using the outdated XP.  Microsoft no longer provides support and warns that XP may be more vulnerable Daily MailVladimir Putin 'still uses obsolete Windows XP' despite Microsoft no longer releasing updates for it since 2014

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George Monbiot – Sick of this market-driven world? You should be

The self-serving con of neoliberalism is that it has eroded the human values the market was supposed to emancipate I remember having to go to company meeting once with about twenty other people to be indoctrinated with the company's ethics and future plans.At one point we were all asked if we could think of any ideas where our company could branch out and make more money, after all, our jobs depended on it, we were told, and the competition was hot, they said, so we needed to be...

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Danny Dorling – The biggest story in the UK is not Brexit. It’s life expectancy

Over the last few years British life expectancy has been falling. The Tories first blamed the weather, then the flu, but once Brexit got announced people became obsessed with it and so the Tories were able to bury the story.  Britain has the harshest austerity program in Europe and people are dying because of it. More babies are dying and the very old may be left without help in their homes. The most devastated areas are the working class ones which voted Brexit.  How did the Tories get...

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Josh Gabbatiss – Brexit strongly linked to xenophobia, scientists conclude

Quite an interesting, but short, article I thought. I haven't got a patriotic bone in my body. I think all nations are equal, but some governments can be bad. Fear of immigrants and foreigners is associated with support for Brexit, according to a pair of studies conducted by an international team of researchers. These [personality traits] were right-wing authoritarianism and social dominance orientation – the idea that one’s group needs to fight for superiority in the world. The third...

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Spitting Image – Stupid Voters

Greg Palast says the British voted for Brexit because they hated globalisation and couldn't stomach anymore of it. Boris Johnson managed to present himself as the anti-establishment candidate who was against Europe. Now we have five more years of a party which has brought neoliberalism to the UK for the past 40 years.I live in a Conservative area and I tried to think why so many of my neighbours have always voted Tory. They are not deep into politics, but I think a lot of them think the posh...

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Andrew Greene – Australian commando Kevin Frost, who raised Afghanistan war crime allegations, found dead

A "fearless" Australian commando who went public three years ago about his involvement in an alleged war crime in Afghanistan has died. Key points: In 2016 Sergeant Frost told the ABC he had helped to cover up the alleged murder of an Afghan prisoner He has been remembered by friends as a "fearless", "proud" and "witty" man Since 2001 more than 400 former and serving Australian Defence personnel have taken their own lives. ABC NewsAndrew Greene - Australian commando Kevin Frost,...

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Artist vs. Economist?

Interestng reply tweets from Adams but he still doesn't get that its the methodology not the discipline that creates the 2 types.The Degree Programs are either B.A. or B.S. that create the "Artist" or the "Scientist".... not the "Artist" vs. "Economist"...Adam's training was a B.A. (methodology) in Economics (discipline)...His "critical thinking" is not found in a discipline it is a methodology that is ideally trained under the B.S. degree program which he never got...Here is a wiki on...

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Yes, Banks Create Money Out Of Thin Air — Brian Romanchuk

Unfortunately, money has not yet been abolished from economic theory, and we are stuck with pointless debates about banks and money creation. The latest salvo is "Banks do not create money out of thin air" by Pontus Rendahl, and Lukas B. Freund. As the title of this article suggests, Rendahl and Freund are incorrect in their assessment. I assume that the Rendahl/Freund article is a followup to previous arguments, such as a Thomas Hale article I discussed recently. Since I just addressed...

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